Biosensor Research and Development in Pacific Rim

来源 :化学传感器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:EchoChina
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It is over a quarty century ago that an immunosensor as well as a microbial sensor wasemerged from a reseach group at Tokyo Institute of Technology. The immunosensor technolo-gy has then extensively been investigated not only in this community but throughout the globalcommunily, which has led to the bioaffinity sensor technology. One of the marked technolo-gies is an electrochemiluminescence--based immunosensor, which has made it possible to per- It is over a quarty years ago that an immunosensor as well as a microbial sensor wasemerged from a reseach group at Tokyo Institute of Technology. The immunosensor technolo-gy has then extensively been investigated not only in this community but throughout the globalcommunity, which has led to the bioaffinity sensor technology. One of the marked technolo-gies is an electrochemiluminescence - based immunosensor, which has made it possible to per-