患者女,27岁,1972年5月觉胸闷、气急、微咳,未予注意。1973年保健检查胸透发现右前纵隔有5 cm直径肿物影,同年11月19日因症状加重住入我院。 体检:T 36.7℃ P 88 BP112/70mmHg,营养中等,浅表淋巴结不大,颈静脉轻度怒张,气管居中,右第2~4肋间叩诊浊音,呼吸音减弱,左肺呼吸音清,两肺无罗音,心界不大,心律齐,肝肋下可触及。X线胸片:右前纵隔有一直径10cm密度均匀,边缘光滑的圆形阴影,右胸膜腔少量积液,钡透见食管中段向左后方受压移位,两肺及心影无特殊。
The patient female, 27 years old, felt chest tightness, shortness of breath, and slight cough in May 1972 and was unnoticed. In 1973, the breast examination revealed that the right anterior mediastinum had a 5-cm diameter mass shadow and was admitted to our hospital on November 19 of the same year due to symptoms. Physical examination: T 36.7°C P 88 BP112/70mmHg, moderate nutrition, superficial lymph nodes, slight jugular vein engorgement, central trachea, right second to fourth intercostal palpation, dullness of breath sound, left lung breath sounds clear, There is no rale in the two lungs, the heart is not big, the heart rhythm is uniform, and the liver can be touched under the ribs. X-ray: The right anterior mediastinum has a uniform diameter of 10cm, a smooth rounded edge of the shadow, a small amount of effusion in the right pleural cavity, see through the esophagus to the left rear pressure shift, no special two lungs and heart shadow.