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人类的某些脑脊髓炎疾病,例如狂犬病疫苗接种后脑炎(见本期81页)以及某些病毒感染所发生的脑脊髓炎,据现在所知,它们的发病并不是疫苗(病毒)对脑组织的直接损伤,而是一种变态反应,是人体免疫系统对疫苗中所含有的动物脑组织成分、或在病毒作用下抗原结构已有改变的神经组织成分所发生的变态反应。这种反应一旦发生,常常是症状凶险,后果严重,因此,人们千方百计地想把这种变态反应性脑脊髓炎搞清楚,找到较好的诊断与治疗方法。 欲搞清变态反应性脑脊髓炎的发病机理,摸索诊断方法,筛选治疗药物,不允许在人身上进行,这就需要建立一种“动物模型”,也就是在实验室内,利用变态反应原理,使某些动物人工地罹患本病,以供医药工作者研究。这就是实验性变态反应脑脊髓炎。现在这种动物模型已在我校微生物教研室建立成功。在这种动物身上初步证实,本病变态反应是属于“细胞免疫”范畴的反应。本文介绍了建立模型和研究的方法,并提出了以巨噬细胞粘附试验作为特异诊断方法的可能性。报导只是初步的,有许多问题还有待进一步解决。 Some human encephalomyelitis diseases, such as post-vaccination encephalitis (see page 81 of this issue) and encephalomyelitis in which certain viral infections occur, are now known to be not the vaccine (virus) pair. The direct damage of brain tissue, but an allergy, is the allergic reaction of the human immune system to animal brain tissue contained in the vaccine, or the altered neural tissue components of the antigen structure under the influence of virus. Once this kind of reaction happens, it is often dangerous and the consequences are serious. Therefore, people try every means to make clear this allergic encephalomyelitis and find a better diagnosis and treatment. To find out the pathogenesis of allergic encephalomyelitis, to find diagnostic methods, and to screen therapeutic drugs that are not allowed to be performed on humans, it is necessary to establish an “animal model,” that is, to use the principle of allergy in the laboratory. , causing certain animals to suffer from this disease artificially for medical workers to study. This is experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. This animal model has now been successfully established in the Department of Microbiology in our school. It was initially confirmed on this animal that the disease response was a response that was in the category of “cell immunity.” This article describes the methods for establishing models and research, and proposes the possibility of macrophage adhesion assay as a specific diagnostic method. The report is only preliminary and there are many issues that need to be further addressed.
本文敍述了芸香科植物銳叶花椒(Zanthoxylum thetsa D C.)茎皮的成分提取,用石油醚提取得到羽扇豆甾醇(Lupeol)C_(30)H_(50)O,熔点212°—13℃并用乙醇提取得另一物貭,其近
本文报告了滇产芦荟的原植物系百合科Aloe vera L.var.chinensis(Haw.)Berger,及其对它的生药学、加工方法和化学的研究,试验证明具有与进口芦荟相同的泻效,认为可以利用生产
用苦苣菜(干、鲜皆可)煮汤,以熟烂为度,连汤菜倒入盆中,上置一板,患者坐蹲其上,借热气熏之,俟汤温,即撩苦苣频频揉洗,汤冷即止,每日数次。 With soupwort (dry, fresh can