
来源 :中国民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:geshufa
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民兵在新形势下开展学雷锋活动,存在一个突出问题是学学停停,停停学学,有时干脆停下。而我们市凌河区人武部在组织全区民兵开展学雷锋活动却坚持得比较好。他们的主要经验是:一、进行学雷锋的教育要常抓不懈。该区民兵学雷锋活动毫无例外地受到了十年动乱和近几年资产阶级自由化思潮的侵蚀和党内思想政冶工作被削弱的大气候的冲击。针对这一情况,这个区从 Under the new situation, the militiamen have been studying how to carry out Lei-feng activities. One of the outstanding problems is the suspension of their studies, the suspension of their studies and their suspension. And our city Linghe District People’s Armed Forces in organizing regional militia to learn Lei Feng activities insist better. Their main experience is: First, learn from Lei Feng’s education should always be perseverance. The militia learned from Lei Feng without exception was subjected to a decade of turmoil and the erosion of the trend of bourgeois liberalization in recent years and to the weakened atmosphere in the party’s ideological and political work. In response to this situation, this area from
编辑同志: 由于种种原因,农村复退军人存在着三难:治病难、住房难、生活难。对此,我们在宁夏回族自治区民政厅等有关部门帮助下,在高庄乡试点解决这类问题,收到较好效果。我
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