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國家圖書館的家譜收藏始于20世紀20年代,首開公共圖書館機構收藏家譜先河。至新中國成立之初,藏348種,規模雖不大,然明本家譜不少。20世紀五六十年代爲國家圖書館家譜收藏一大高峰,數量已近3000種,大批珍本家譜得以入藏,奠定了館藏家譜品質和海內外影響力基礎。國家圖書館現存宋、元、明、清至民國間家譜8000餘種、十數萬册。此外,近年來還收藏了20世紀八九十年代以來民間新修家譜4000餘種。國家圖書館所藏家譜不僅數量較大,文獻品質亦高,精品衆多,特別是皇族譜牒,徽州明譜,名人家譜,少數民族家譜,稀見姓氏等,在海內外都堪稱一流。 The National Library’s genealogy collection began in the 1920s, opening the first place in the public library institution’s collector spectrum. At the beginning of the founding of New China, there were 348 species of Tibet, although not large-scale, there are quite a few genealogical records. In the 1950s and 1960s, it was a major peak in the collection of the national library genealogy, amounting to almost 3,000 species. A large number of rare genealogies have been put into storage, laying the foundation for the genealogy of collection genealogies and influence at home and abroad. The existing National Library of Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties between the family tree more than 8000 species, tens of thousands of copies. In addition, in recent years, more than 4,000 new genealogies have been collected from the 80s and 90s of the 20th century. The national library has a large number of genealogical records, the quality of the literature is also high, a large number of high-quality, especially royalty spectrum, Huizhou Ming spectrum, celebrity genealogy, ethnic minorities, rare surnames, etc., are first-class at home and abroad.
一、概述蒸发岩也称盐岩。各种类型的沉积岩和沉积矿床有其共性,但亦有其各自的特殊性,蒸发岩的特殊性有: 1.缺乏在规模上能与古代蒸发岩(盐类矿床)相比拟的现代蒸发岩沉积
英语科技文体中大量存在动作名词化现象。对名词化结构进行总结分类的同时,剖析其句法功能,探讨其翻译技巧,旨在提高科技英语写作能力。 There is a great deal of nominalizat
An Yb3+-doped double-clad large-mode-area photonic crystal fiber (LMA PCF) laser with 103-W single-mode continuous-wave output power is demonstrated using an im
IBM Research宣布它开发出了第一个建立在一个单碳纳米管分子上的完整集成电路。该公司称,这一成就代表着一项重大进展,因为它将有助于研究人员对碳纳米管超过传统半导体的假