各位代表: 我受学会理事会的委托,向学会第三次会员代表大会作第五届理事会工作报告,请大家审议。广东图书馆学会第五届理事会是在1987年9月27日召开的第二次会员代表大会上选举产生的。到目前为止,学会现有会员728人,其中全国会员120人。三年来,在省社科联、省科协的直接领导下,在上级党组织和行政领导的关怀支持下,学会始终坚持四项基本原则,因而经受得住去年春夏之交发生的动乱的考验,始终和党中央保持一致,接受了一次深刻的社会主义教育。在这个基础上,我会召开了“广东图书馆四十年学术研讨会”,充分肯定建国四十年来所取得的重大成就,深刻认识到只有坚持四项基本原则我国图书馆事业才能发展,图书馆学研究才能繁荣。下面,我就第五届理事会三年来的各项工作向代表们汇报:
Distinguished Delegates: I am entrusted by the Council of the Institute to learn from the Third Congress of the Association for the fifth council work report for your consideration. Guangdong Institute of Library Science Fifth Council was elected on September 27, 1987 the second member congress elected. Up till now, we have learned 728 members, including 120 members nationwide. In the past three years, under the direct leadership of the Provincial Federation of Social Sciences and Provincial Association for Science and Technology and under the care and support of the higher Party organizations and administrative leaders, the Institute has always adhered to the four cardinal principles and has stood the unrest that occurred at the turn of the spring and early last year Test, always consistent with the party Central Committee, accepted a profound socialist education. On this basis, I will hold “40-year Academic Symposium on Guangdong Library”, fully affirming the great achievements made in the 40 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China and profoundly realizing that only by adhering to the four cardinal principles can the development of the library cause develop. Books Museum studies can flourish. Next, I report to the deputies on all the work of the Fifth Council in the past three years: