The study on the professionals training of the accounting major in universities in the informatizati

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  Abstract The country has always been advocating the national informatization development strategy,development of informatization  is the trend of the times,in the informatization environment, every industry needs to keep reforming and innovating, which is inseparable from the training of professionals. This paper studies about the professionals training program of accounting major in universities.
  Keywords informatization,universities,accounting major,professionals
  Behind The rapid development of the country's economic strength is the strong support of science and technology. With the development, the gap between our country and the developed countries is narrowing, in this great process, we ushered in the informatization age.The country has also always been advocating the national informatization development strategy,it keeps making scientific and technological innovations in every filed, and welcomes the following development opportunities  with the new appearance of informatization .The informatization benefiting majors is also an important part of the national informatization . This paper studies how to training the accounting major’s professionals in universities under the condition of informatization.
  1.The accounting industry informatization’s requirements for professions
  The informatization environment brings important opportunities for development in many fields.The production scale of China's electronic information industry continues to expand, and people's work, study and life concepts and ways are changing greatly, national quality is also going through great changes,as well as the measurement standard of talents,grade performance is no longer the only standard, people pay more attention to the condition of professional application of talents, the market demand for accounting major’s professionals is also big in the informatization environment.
  In the informatization environment, information resources are highly shared in  all industries and  all fields,the informatization productivity have become the most advanced productivity at present,which makes the development of the whole society tends to a reasonable state.
  In this informatization environment, big data, cloud computing and other new concepts begin to pour into the accounting major, impact the traditional accounting intelligence. The accounting major aims at training enterprise professions, whose main job is to arrange and plan the company's accounts, which can be said to be a vital position in the enterprise. In addition to dealing with the accounts, some accountants also undertake the evaluation function of the enterprise,to evaluate the value of the enterprise,to provide financial and tax related support and programs for merger and division of enterprises or other major activities, and to formulate development programs for tax related aspects of enterprises.   In the informatization environment, the accountants can improve the accuracy of handling with the accounts with the help of the informatization technology. In this situation, the accountant's function is more inclined to provide the correct data support for the enterprise operation,to make the plan support for the enterprise on how to control its own production cost, enhance its own operating profit, no longer just the previous processing of figures,the informatization professionals make plans  based on data,they tend more to be the management-type talents.
  In general,accounting professions should have the following basic characteristics in the informatization environment: Using informatization technology to improve the efficiency of accounting treatment; analyzing accounting information to provide data support for the company's decision-making; and changing the working mode of financial work, changing from the traditional after-the-event summary to the work mode of combining the prediction with after-the-event summary.
  2.The teaching key points of accounting major in universities
  The teaching of accounting major is mainly the establishment of enterprises’ business operation plan around the amount of expenditure and income in a certain business cycle. Throughout the accounting major, we can regard it as an information system, this information system mainly studies the enterprise's expenditure and the income, arrange the enterprise's financial activity. The accountant's assistance to the enterprise's financial activities is based on the summary, arrangement, analysis and induction of the enterprise's financial information in all aspects.The accounting major will focus on training students’ sensitivity to digital based on these teaching objectives, the main research object is the fund, the unit of measurement is currency. These are evident in the subjects of accounting study: The most basic one is advanced mathematics, and the specialized courses include management, financial management, junior financial accounting,senior financial accounting, accounting computerization and other specialized subjects, these are all professional preparations for future work.
  Accounting professions, as applied talents, the teaching teaching key points of universities should be inclined to the training of students' practical ability. Simply imparting the professional knowledge in textbooks, staying at the level of understanding knowledge, students can not quickly master the job skills when they are  working in the future, therefore, the training of accounting professionals in universities must pay attention to the practical ability of students.   3.The universities use the informatization technology to train accounting professionals
  The accounting work has strong specialty,the data collection makes the accounting work has the complexity, so it needs the careful work manner of the accounting professionals. In the informatization environment, the accounting work has changed a lot, which makes the original work efficiency greatly improved, and the accounting function has also changed, the scope of responsibility of accounting professionals has expanded with it. Therefore, the training of accounting professionals in universities must be based on the current social situation.
  First of all, it should be based on the situation,to establish the accounting professionals training objectives. Different regions and different development situations have different demands for accounting professionals.Universities should first make clear the key points of the transportation of accounting professionals.To conduct an objective investigation of the enterprises’ demand for talents, summarize and analyze the survey results and draw a conclusion.To establish the training key points for accounting professionals according to the conclusion of the survey,to increase experience for the work of students after graduation.
  Secondly, according to the designed training objectives of the accounting professionals department,universities should constantly innovate their curriculum system.A rich curriculum system can  cultivate students' professional ability more comprehensively and improve their professional quality.Facing with the informatization social environment, accounting professionals should master the informatization technology, which was not taken seriously in the previous accounting professional education,it is also the aspect that needs continuous reform and innovation of accounting major in the future. In the condition of completing the basic teaching tasks, the universities should also exercise students’ ability to master various accounting software proficiency. To guide students to take enterprise data as the research object, using informatization software to analyze and deal with the data,explore the information hidden behind the data, to make the enterprises’ planning program.Only through making example exercises again and again can students understand and master the knowledge they have learned more deeply,this step also requires the efforts of a large number of excellent teachers.   Making full use of a variety of teaching methods,universities now keep exploring to enrich their own teaching methods and curriculum system.The MOOC platform provides a very broad platform for all universities students. Students can study the courses of other schools on the MOOC platform, reflect on the teaching contents of other excellent teachers, and enrich their professional knowledge, this is the enrichment and perfection of the curriculum system of universities.Students can access more practical cases on the MOOC platform, which can enrich their professional experience.
  Informatization is an irreversible trend, and informatization makes all areas develop more vigorously.As for the accounting major, if it wants to develop in the Informatization environment, it should start from the training of accounting professionals in universities. This road requires the efforts of all universities and teachers!
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【摘 要】 绩效考核机制是促进员工积极工作、推动企业稳定发展的有效措施。科学合理的绩效考核机制直接决定企业的未来和发展。让员工在单位发展过程中实现自我价值,跟随单位发展的步伐一起进步。同时,也让单位能够根据员工的特性及能力优化人力资源配置,让员工的效用能够最大化发挥,以员工价值体现来推动单位的可持续发展。  【关键词】 人力资源 绩效考核机制  车间绩效考核机制主要针对管理人员、专业技术人员、操作
【摘 要】 随着经济的快速发展,物资储备管理已经逐渐成为企业提高绩效的重要内容,在满足供应与生产建设的前提下,通过不断强化物资储备管理,优化库存结构,合理控制物资储备规模,不仅能够有效降低企业的存货成本,还对企业的可持续发展和进步都有着十分重要的作用。本文对如何控制储备规模、防控库存积压进行深入探讨,并提出相应具体管控措施。  【关键词】 储备管理 储备模式 库存结构 库存责任  0 引言  作为
【摘 要】 腐败无处不在,其后果直接破坏和动摇我国经济和政治基础,因此反腐败一直以来是我国政府工作的重点。本文主要基于委托代理理论,从信息不对称、自由裁量权、官员偏好的异化等方面分析官员腐败的成因和表现,由此提出解决腐败问题的路径选择。  【关键词】 委托代理理论 官员 腐败 经济人  根据委托代理理论,全体公民作为委托人,将其管理国家和国家事务的公共权力通过契约长期授予给由公民通过选举出来的政府
【摘 要】 随着人口老龄化程度的提升,医药行业的需求度将迎来不断的增长,医药板块具有长期配置的价值,未来,化药制造业将更加快速发展,具有产品研发意识和技术优势的企业会更好发展。本文将结合X制药股份有限公司2016-2018三年的财务报表,以Y制药为对比企业,通过利润质量分析和财务比率分析,探究X制药真实的财务情况。  【关键词】 医药制造业 财务报表分析 利润质量分析 财务比率分析  一、公司简介
【摘 要】 基于“公共受托责任”产生的政府绩效审计重要程度日益凸显,政府审计的重点也从财务审计逐渐向绩效审计转变。政府绩效审计在我国起步较晚并且目前尚处于尝试发展阶段。瑞典在2003年之前的行政型审计体制模式与我国目前的状况有很大相通之处,后续向立法型审计体制转型也相当成功,绩效审计成果显著并积累了丰富经验;英国也是目前国际上开展绩效审计水平较高且较成熟的国家之一。本文通过结合审计责任主体,梳理瑞
【摘 要】 本文对施行工商管理的重要性进行分析,对工商管理、市场经济间关系加以研究,经研究发现市场经济、工商管理间的关系为相辅相成的,主要表现:在市场经济下可有效开展工商管理工作、促进工商管理发展,进行工商管理能推动市场经济发展,有效维护消费者的权益,所以应该做好工商管理与市场经济间关系协调工作。  【关键词】 工商管理 市场经济 关系  市场经济的快速发展下,工商管理和市场经济为相互联系的,因此
【摘 要】 在当前中国全面深化改革的进程中,关于国有资产管理制度改革,本文指出了现在的国有资产管理制度的弊端,提出了相应的解决措施,对我国国有资产管理制度改革做了一些探究。  【关键词】 国有企业 国有资产管理 政府  经济合作与发展组织秘书长唐纳德·约翰斯顿在《OECD国有企业公司治理指引》的序言中指出国有企业存在三大弊端:(1)由于总体上是被动的或远距离的国家所有权,国有企业可能受到来自多方
【摘 要】 公平与公正是现代公务员制度构成原理的重要组成部分之一。公务员酬公平性问题一直是讨论的焦点。日本战后建立起独特的公务员薪酬制度,以具体落实的公平原则、公理性的指数体系与人事院构成的三角机制在公平位面上得到了社会各界的认同。但“均衡”与“自治”原则在现实运行中的冲突也难以避免。  【关键词】 公务员薪酬制度 日本 拉斯派勒斯指数  一、工资的均衡:日本公务员薪酬法律与现状  日本公务员一般
2015年以来,中原油田认真贯彻落实集团公司物资装备部的新理念、新思路、新举措,持续开展采购管理对标提升,着力抓好依法公开招标采购,深化电子化采购应用,推进物资质量督察,物资供应管理工作总体呈现健康有序、稳健向上的发展态势。  一、工作背景  近年来,中原油田根据国资委和集团公司采购管理对标提升工作要求,以先进企业为标杆,按照严细实的标准,找准对标原点,落实改进措施,纳入年度物资供应管理重点工作,