Study on the downhole permanent low frequency pulsating water injection technique

来源 :石油钻采工艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:end001
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Waterflood technique with pressure fluctuation, especially with low, ultra low frequency, changes the continuous water flow into the flow with pressure fluctuation, and can prevent contamination precipitation, formation plugging and Jamin effect. It also can prevent the plugging of water injection well, decrease the pressure of waterflood and increase the rate of water injection. On the basis of the existing eccentric injection mandrel, used the energy storage character of air energy accumulator and the pressure switch character of pressure control valve, fixed the plunger valve for pressure control on the position of blanking plug, then developed one new injection mandrel with low frequency character, which can inject water continuously with low, ultra low frequency. Water fluctuation produced during the water injection affect the formation directly and is useful to break down, prevent plugging and augment injection. Waterflood technique with pressure fluctuation, especially with low, ultra low frequency, changes the continuous water flow into the flow with pressure fluctuation, and can prevent contamination precipitation, formation plugging and Jamin effect. It also can prevent the plugging of water injection well, decrease the pressure of waterflood and increase the rate of water injection. On the basis of the existing eccentric injection mandrel, used the energy storage character of air energy accumulator and the pressure switch character of pressure control valve, fixed the plunger valve for pressure control on the position of blanking plug, then developed one new injection mandrel with low frequency character, which can inject water continuously with low, ultra low frequency. Water fluctuation produced during the water injection affect the formation directly and is useful to break down, prevent plugging and augment injection.
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