
来源 :吉林林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alabo353
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汪清林业局从1959年起在复层异龄针阔混交林内,实行“以育林为主,采育结合”的择伐技术,经过30年的坚持努力,培育出采育林逾百万亩。采育林结构,在组成上是针阔混交的,在时间序列上是多世代的,在空间分布上是复层的。林内植被繁茂,抗疫性强,卫生状况良好,是具有原生地带性森林植物特点的新的森林类型。采育林的生长量为6.24立方米/公顷,比其他天然中龄林高出3.285立方米,比皆伐后营造的人工林高出2.19立方米。现有百万亩采育林每年可比天然林多积累森林蓄积224 822立方米;比人工林多积累森林蓄积15万立方米。采育林的经营技术和生产工艺,是全局广大职工30年生产和科研实践的经验总结。适用于以云、冷杉为主要树种的复层异龄针阔混交林和阔叶红松林分。 Since 1959, Wangqing Forestry Bureau has implemented the selective cutting technology “mainly based on plantation and combination of harvesting and breeding” in the mixed layer plantation of coniferous and heterogeneous mixed trees. After 30 years of persistent efforts, more than 1 million mu of cultivated timber have been cultivated. Picking and planting forest structure, is composed of coniferous and broad-leaved mixed in the time series is more generations, is the spatial distribution of stratification. The lush vegetation in the forest, strong anti-epidemic, good health, is a new type of forest with native virgin forest features. The growth of harvesting stands was 6.24 m3 / ha, 3.285 m3 more than other natural middle-aged stands and 2.19 m3 more than the planted plantations. The existing million mu of coniferous and afforestation forests accumulate 224,822 cubic meters of forest per year more than the natural forest; and more than the planted forest accumulates 150,000 cubic meters of forest. Mining and marketing of forest management technology and production technology, is the general situation of the general staff of 30 years of production and scientific research practice experience. Suitable for cloud and fir as the main species of mixed layer coniferous and broadleaf mixed forest and broad-leaved Korean pine forest points.
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