孩子骨折 别治错了

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孩子好动,爬上爬下不安生,很容易摔倒骨折。辛蕾特别提醒家长,治孩子骨折,要找专业的儿童骨科,如果不当回事,容易引起畸形。活泼好动是孩子的天性,一不小心就会摔倒受伤,导致胳膊骨折。孩子一受伤,家长最担心留下后遗症。但如果一开始就治错了,更是让人后悔莫及。拆石膏后,胳膊伸不直了不久前,6岁的琦琦在家里玩要时从沙发上摔下,当时右胳膊肘部就肿了。爸妈慌了神,马上送到附近大医院急诊科:急诊科医生立刻给琦琦拍了X光片,发现是 Children move, climbing up and down restless, it is easy to fall fracture. Xin Lei special remind parents, cure child fracture, looking for a professional orthopedic children, if improper, likely to cause deformity. Lively is a child’s natural instinct, accidentally fall injuries, leading to fracture of the arm. When the child is injured, parents are most worried about leaving sequelae. However, if the beginning of governance wrong, it is even more regrettable. Broken plaster, his arms stretched straight Not long ago, 6-year-old Qi Qi play at home fall from the sofa, when the right elbow swollen. Mom and Dad panic, and immediately sent to the nearby large hospital emergency department: emergency department doctor immediately gave Qi Qi X-ray film and found that
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时下,市场上销售的饮料种类繁多,五花八门,但并非所有饮料都适合儿童饮用。炎炎盛夏,让孩子喝什么饮料? 汽水是一种大众化的普通饮料,其主要成分为糖(或糖精)、香精、色素、
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