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目的比较促性腺激素释放激素激动剂(GnRHa)辅助超排卵和单纯促性腺激素(PMSG)超排卵对金黄地鼠子宫内膜的影响。方法模仿人类长周期,对金黄地鼠进行GnRHa预处理后,用PMSG超排卵(10只,LA+PMSG组),并以10只单用PMSG超排卵(PMSG组)和10只自然周期金黄地鼠(对照组)为对照,对子宫内膜进行组织学和超微结构分析。结果组织学检查显示:LA+PMSG组子宫内膜成熟度与对照组相比,差异无显著性(P>0.05),而PMSG组子宫内膜明显发育延迟(P<0.01)。超微结构分析显示:LA+PMSG组线粒体肿大,缺少线粒体脊,无网篮样结构;PMSG组线粒体明显减少。结论GnRHa辅助超排卵方案能促进生理性子宫内膜的形成,优于单独PMSG超排卵方案。但GnRHa辅助超排卵仍存在对子宫内膜超微结构的不良影响 Objective To compare the effect of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a) -assisted superovulation and simple gonadotropin (PMSG) on ovary endometrium in golden hamster. Methods After simulating the long-term human cycle, GnRHa preconditioning was performed on golden hamsters. Ten pups of the golden hamster were treated with PMSG superovulation (10, LA + PMSG group) and 10 PMSG superovulation (PMSG group) Rats (control group) as a control, histological and ultrastructural analysis of the endometrium. Results The histological examination showed that there was no significant difference in the endometrial maturation between the LA + PMSG group and the control group (P> 0.05), while the PMSG group had a marked delayed development of the endometrium (P <0.01). Ultrastructural analysis showed that the mitochondria of LA + PMSG group were enlarged, lack of mitochondrial ridges, and no basket-like structure. Mitochondria of PMSG group were significantly reduced. Conclusions GnRH-a assisted superovulation can promote the formation of physiological endometrium, which is superior to the PMSG superovulation alone. However, GnRH-a-assisted superovulation still has adverse effects on the ultrastructure of the endometrium
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Poly(N-arylenebenzimidazole pyridine sulfone)(PNABIPS) has been prepared via the aromatic nucleophilic displacement reaction of 2,6-bis(2-benzimidazoly)pyridine
心脏白塞氏病较少见,合并瓣膜病变时易误诊为其它疾病。我院收治1例,报告如下。 患者,男,55岁。以反复胸闷1年,心前区疼痛3天于1993年2月24日入院。10年来口腔及阴茎龟头处