Blocking Effect and Underlying Physics of Identical Bands of Normally Deformed Nuclei at Low Spin

来源 :Science in China,Ser.A | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengrui0216
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In the particle-number-conserving treatment of the cranked shell model Hamiltonian (blocking effect being taken into account exactly), the calculated even-odd differences in moments of inertia show large variation and depend sensitively on the location and Coriolis response of the blocked levels. The moments of inertia of the 170Yb, 171Lu [404] 7/2, [402] 5/2, [514] 9/2 and 171Yb [512] 5/2, [633] 7/2 bands at low spin are calculated and the experimental data are reproduced very well. No free parameter was involved in the calculation. The reason of the discrepancy between the observed “identical bands” at low spin and the BCS prediction is discussed. In the particle-number-conserving treatment of the cranked shell model Hamiltonian (blocking effect being taken into account exactly), the calculated even-odd differences in moments of inertia show large variation and depend sensitively on the location and Coriolis response of the blocked levels . The moments of inertia of the 170Yb, 171Lu [404] 7/2, [402] 5/2, [514] 9/2 and 171Yb [512] 5/2, 7/2 bands at low spin are calculated and the experimental data are quite very well. No free parameter was involved in the calculation. The reason of the discrepancy between the observed “identical bands ” at low spin and the BCS prediction is discussed.
[摘 要] 现代社会是一个非常注重实践的社会,对于本科生技能的掌握要求越来越高,特别是对于电子类专业的学生,它要求学生在参加工作时能有自己的创新思维和较强的实践能力。只有这样,该专业类本科学生才能更好地走向社会。问题引导教学是新时期衍生出来的一种新型教学模式,它有利于学生创新能力的提高,因此深受现代本科院校的推崇。将针对问题引导法教学模式对培养本科学生创新能力的特点以及应用做出探讨。  [中图分类
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