目的研究上海市黄浦区近60年传染病疫情的流行特征,评价传染病防治工作的成效,探讨今后防控工作开展的重点和优先领域。方法运用生态学研究方法对历年传染病流行特征和趋势进行分析。结果传染病发病率和死亡率分别由上世纪50年代的6 512.48/10万、65.42/10万下降至本世纪前十年的234.58/10万、0.84/10万。不同传播途径传染病在各个时期相继占据主导。甲乙类传染病中,1956-1963年以呼吸道传染病为主(麻疹、猩红热和百日咳高发);1964-1996年,肠道传染病成为首要疾病(痢疾、伤寒副伤寒、甲肝高发);1997-2011年,血源及性传播传染病跃居第1(淋病、梅毒、乙肝高发)。结论 1950-2011年,黄浦区传染病防控总体效果显著,传染病发病率、死亡率大幅度下降;消灭了一批烈性传染病。但今后的防控工作也面临着新的挑战,重点传染病,尤其是肺结核、乙肝、梅毒、艾滋病等需加强防控;新发传染病构成威胁;不良价值观和行为习惯为传染病发生创造了条件。
Objective To study the epidemiological characteristics of epidemic situation in recent 60 years in Huangpu District of Shanghai, evaluate the effectiveness of prevention and control of infectious diseases, and discuss the key and priority areas for future prevention and control work. Methods The characteristics and trend of epidemics of infectious diseases over the years were analyzed by using ecological research methods. Results The morbidity and mortality rate of infectious diseases dropped from 62 512.48 / 100000, 65.42 / 100000 in the 1950s to 234.58 / 100000 and 0.84 / 100000 in the first ten years of this century respectively. Different routes of transmission Epidemic in each period have dominated. In Class A and B infectious diseases, respiratory infectious diseases were predominant in 1956-1963 (measles, scarlet fever and high incidence of pertussis); intestinal infectious diseases became the most important diseases (dysentery, typhoid and typhoid fever, high incidence of hepatitis A) from 1964 to 1996; In 2011, blood and sexually transmitted infections rank No. 1 (gonorrhea, syphilis and hepatitis B). Conclusion From 1950 to 2011, the overall effect of prevention and control of infectious diseases in Huangpu District was significant, the incidence and mortality of infectious diseases dropped significantly, and a number of severe infectious diseases were eliminated. However, future prevention and control work is also facing new challenges. Key infectious diseases, especially tuberculosis, hepatitis B, syphilis and AIDS, need to be strengthened and prevented. Emerging infectious diseases pose a threat. Bad values and behavioral habits have created condition.