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主持人语:党建报道是党报的特色所在。新时期以来,党的建设与经济社会发展和各类社会问题的关系越来越密切,作为直接宣传党的方针政策、党的自身建设情况的党建报道更为广大人民群众所关心。从目前的情况看,大多数党报的党建报道形式上分为三种:一是日常报道,及时宣传中央和各级党委的中心工作;二是专栏报道,多用于战役性报道;三是定期的专版、专刊。总的讲是领导重视,报道品种丰富,形式多样。但是,在一部分党报的党建报道中还存在着面孔呆板、内容枯燥等问题。而且在新的发展时期,党建工作不断遇到新情况、新问题,党建报道也必须适应新情况、关注新问题,不断改进方法,加大力度,使党建报道为广大读者所接受、所喜爱。可喜的是,各级党报在拓宽党建报道领域、创新党建报道形式等方面取得了相当的成绩,使党建报道的吸引力、感染力不断增强。本期我们选择了四篇文章,作者的共同体会是党建报道给党报提供了丰富的新闻资源,党建报道能够做到既让党满意,也让读者喜爱。 Host language: party building reports is the characteristics of the party newspaper. Since the new period, the party building has become more and more closely linked with economic and social development and various social issues. As a direct propaganda party’s principles and policies, the party building report of the party’s self-construction is even more concerned by the broad masses of the people. Judging from the current situation, the majority of party newspaper reports on party building are formally classified into three types: one is daily coverage, the timely promotion of the central work of the CPC Central Committee and the party committees at all levels; the other is the coverage of the column, which is mostly used in campaign reporting; the third is regular Special edition, special issue. Generally speaking, the leaders attach great importance to the variety of reports in various forms. However, there still exist some problems in the party building reports of some party newspapers, such as dull faces and boring content. Moreover, during the new period of development, Party building work constantly encounters new situations and new problems. Party building reports must also adapt to new situations, pay attention to new problems, continuously improve methods and intensify their efforts so that party building reports are favored and accepted by readers. What is gratifying is that the party newspapers and press at all levels have scored considerable achievements in broadening the coverage of party building and in creating reports of the party building so that the attractiveness and appeal of the party building reports will continue to increase. This issue we have chosen four articles, the author’s common understanding is that the party building reports to the party newspaper provides a wealth of news resources, party reports can be both party satisfaction, but also to readers love.
本文在对目前小学、初中、高中课外作业现状调查的基础上,对课外作业的数量、质量、结构模式及师生 对作业的建议要求等方面进行了定性、定量的分析,并就如何实现作业中的“
本文首先分析了航保事业单位党群工作面临的新形势和新挑战,接着分析了党群工作的内容和对象等,最后从党群工作的特征入手来谈怎样增强党群工作实效。 This article first a