
来源 :宁夏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dmjian
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吴忠三中是1978年由乡村中学改办的一所市属初级中学,现有24个班,1200多名学生,学校的校舍、设备、师资等都是比较差的。1983年秋,正当教育改革在全国起步的时候,三中的同志们蔑视片面追求升学率的错误思潮,大胆摆脱单一的办学模式,在上级教育行政部门的大力支持下,为寻求一条改革初中教育的可行途径,广泛开展社会调查,结合回族地区艺术人才紧缺的现状,创办了初中四年制艺术班。艺术班每期招收40人,其中音乐专业20名,美术专业20名。学生在校期间,除完成全部文化课学习任务外,还初步接受系统的艺术教育。在办学实践中的主要做法是: Wu Zhongsanzhong is a city junior high school that was reorganized by a rural middle school in 1978. It currently has 24 classes and more than 1200 students. The school’s school buildings, equipment, and teachers are all relatively poor. In the fall of 1983, when the education reform started in the country, the comrades in the three countries scorned the erroneous trend of pursuing one-sided school entrance rate, boldly rid themselves of the single mode of school running, and with the strong support of the higher education administrative department, they sought a reform of junior high school education. A feasible way to carry out a wide range of social surveys, combined with the current situation of the shortage of artistic talents in the Hui nationality region, established a four-year junior high school art class. Art classes enroll 40 people each period, including 20 music majors and 20 art majors. While students are in school, in addition to completing all the cultural class learning tasks, they also initially receive systematic art education. The main practice in school practice is:
3月12日,武汉市档案局局长杨朝伟签订《武汉市档案局2009年度绩效管理指标》,主动将“指导中央扩大内需在汉投资项目建档”的指标任务纳入全市绩效考核体系。 On March 12,
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