为了探索痢疾发病情况,我们对铁路南昌地区1963年265例细菌性痢疾进行流行病学调查,兹将调查结果分析报告如下: 流行病学调查一、痢疾发病率:由于健全了传染病报告.痢疾专科门诊的建立,细菌检验的密切配合,提高了
In order to explore the incidence of dysentery, we conducted an epidemiological investigation of 265 cases of bacillary dysentery in Nanchang area in 1963. The following is an analysis of the survey results: Epidemiological survey I. Incidence of dysentery: due to a complete report of infectious diseases. The establishment of specialist clinics, bacterial test closely, improved