刘增基 灵通贡院

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画远看山有色,近听水无声。春去花还在,人来鸟不惊。——清·高鼎书画会友论墨传情灵通贡院地处天津滨海新区(塘沽区)中心路南端河滨公园内,占地60余亩,投资2个多亿,是滨海新区唯一的以弘扬奇石文化为主题,融合书画艺术、国学经典、曲艺表演、品茗饮食等众多传统文化为一体的大型文化休闲项目。灵通贡院按功能不同可分为展览区、商业区、国学堂、名人会所、多功能区五大部分,园内处处可观,步步有景,是游客赏景修心之佳地,更是各地石友赏石交流的绝佳去处。 See far mountain colored, near the water silent. Spring flowers still, people do not panic. - Qing Gao Ding calligraphy and painting will be Friends of the ink Winksong Gong Yuan is located in Tianjin Binhai New Area (Tanggu District) Center Road, South Riverside Park, covers an area of ​​60 acres, more than 2 billion investment is the only Binhai New Area to promote the Kistler Culture as the theme, integration of calligraphy and painting art, classical Chinese culture, folk art performance, tea and many other traditional culture as one of the major cultural and leisure projects. According to the different functions Ling Tong Gong Yuan can be divided into exhibition area, business district, country school, celebrity clubs, multi-functional area of ​​the five major parts of the park are everywhere, step by step King, is the tourist appreciation of the King’s best, but also around the stone Friends of the best place to exchange stone.
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