Use of biological control against arthropod pests in Canadian greenhouse crop production

来源 :生物安全学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangyang03
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Greenhouse horticultural production currently represents an important and growing sector of Canada′s food and plant produc-tion systems. Since 2006, the value of greenhouse vegetable crops in Canada exceeds that of field grown crops, signaling an important shift in the way food is cultivated in the country. While many factors have contributed to this change, a major area of innovation in-cludes the discoveries and advances made in the development of commercial greenhouse production systems as well as the integration of biological control strategies for sustainable pest management. With this focus, this review offers a brief overview of the Canadian green-house industry, including a descriptive list of commonly used biological control organisms, as well as the role Canadian research has played in the development of these agents. We also address the threats that Canadian greenhouse producers face by invasive pests and the complications these have created for the commercialization of novel biological control agents. This information may serve as a guide for the development of parallel technologies and tools in other parts of the world where greenhouse production is expanding.
【摘要】注水开发是提高陕北浅层低孔特低渗油藏最终采收率和开发效益的主要方式,随着开发工作的开展,油田污水已成为注水开发的主要水源,污水的处理、污水回注和再利用是油田可持续高效发展的关键问题之一。本文对现阶段吴起油田污水处理技术的现状进行了分析,提出了吴起油田在污水处理上存在的问题,并针对现存的问题,给出了相应的对策和方法,结合现在的实际情况,对未来油田污水处理技术进行探讨。   【关键词】吴起油田
【摘 要】 沙漠地区表层钻井技术已在新疆塔里木油田推广多年,但原来的技术方案只适用于70钻机,现研究一套适用于40或30钻机特点的表层配套技术,通过有效地优化钻具组合,优化钻井参数和一系列有效的技术措施,从而提高南疆塔北区块的钻井速度,节约钻井成本,最大化提高钻井效益。   【关键词】 沙漠地区 钻井技术 研究   1 南疆塔北区块钻井技术难点及地层岩性分析   1.1 塔北区块钻井技术难点  
【摘要】为了提高单井作业时效,解决夜间测试不能连续开井的难题,根据现场地层测试工艺的需要,设计了一种新型测试双仓密闭汁量罐。该罐于2011年已交付使用,获得较显著的经济效益,已成为油田生产和原油计量中的重要设备之一。 这种新型双仓密闭计量罐是一种多功能容器罐,它可以进行原油计量、储存、加温、加热等多项作业。而计量罐的液位控制是确保安全生产和提供准确原油产量的重要参数,为大庆的储备油田提供了最准确的