投资的热土 创业的乐园——青岛服装工业基地

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青岛服装工业基地始建于2000年3月,总规划面积12平方公里,属青岛市十大重点工业园区之一,2002年被评为全国科技示范园区。园区是以纺织服装、机械制造、食品加工等行业企业为主体的现代化工业园区,现已建成面积7.7平方公里,累计引进内外资项目300余个,合同利用内外资80多亿元。韩国高丽钢线、日本三菱重工等60余家外资企业相继落户,累计合同利用外资5亿美元,实际刭位3亿美元。一、地理位置优越青岛服装工业基地位于大青岛都市新区北翼的即墨市区,海、陆、空交通非常便利。青银、青威、青烟、济青等高等级公路直接贯穿其中,基地距青岛国际机场15公里,距青岛市中心30公里,距海港码头35公里,距火车站24公里,车程均在30分钟以内,非常适合大企业在此设立生产基地和进行国际化营销。 Qingdao Garment Industrial Base was established in March 2000 with a total planned area of ​​12 square kilometers and is one of the top ten key industrial parks in Qingdao City. In 2002, it was awarded the National Science and Technology Demonstration Zone. The park is a modern industrial park mainly composed of textile and apparel, machinery manufacturing and food processing industries. Now it has an area of ​​7.7 square kilometers and a total of more than 300 domestic and foreign-funded projects have been imported. The contract uses over 8 billion yuan of domestic and foreign capital. Korea Koryo Steel Line, Japan’s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and other foreign-funded enterprises have settled in more than 60, a total of 500 million US dollars of contractual foreign investment contract, the actual position of 300 million US dollars. First, the strategic location Qingdao Garment Industry Base is located in the northern wing of the urban Qingdao Metropolitan Jimo area, sea, land and air traffic is very convenient. Qingyin, Qingwei, Qingyan, Jiqing and other high-grade highway runs directly through them. The base is 15 kilometers away from Qingdao International Airport, 30 kilometers away from the center of Qingdao, 35 kilometers away from the harbor terminal and 24 kilometers away from the railway station, both of which are at 30 Within minutes, it is very suitable for large enterprises to set up production bases here and carry out international marketing.
四螨嗪杀菌剂,国外企业于1997年在我国正式登记商品阿波罗50%悬浮剂,防治苹果树红蜘蛛、山楂红蜘蛛使用浓度83 ̄100毫克/千克。据对农药产品登记动态统计,国内企业产品登记自19
燕化生产基本稳定,产品大部分仍为出口, 本周价格保持稳定,现到岸价仍为14000元/t。部分经销商不愿接货,认为价格还有下降的空间,均持观望态度。齐鲁石化顺丁胶装置基本正常,
根据 Freedonia Group 公司的报道,美国对农药的需求量将以1.3%/年的速度递增,到2008年将达到 81亿美元,美农药市场在经历了几年的下降之后,将进入一个恢复上升的通道,市场复
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