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目的 :针对中期妊娠引产的妇女,讨论实施利凡诺联合米非司酮用于中期妊娠引产的临床效果进行分析,为日后的临床治疗提供参考与指导。方法 :选择花溪区计生妇幼中心于2006年10月—2013年10月收治的中期妊娠引产妇女140例为研究对象,应用妇女自愿选择的方法,将140例患者随机划分为观察组及对照组。针对对照组妇女,应用利凡诺羊膜腔内注射引产;针对观察组妇女,在羊膜腔内注射利凡诺引产的基础上联合口服米非司酮治疗,对比两组引产妇女的临床表现。结果 :经过临床统计,观察组妇女宫缩发动时间在17h—29h之间,平均时间为22h±2.14h;产程时间在21h—35h之间,平均时间为26h±4.15h;失血量在35ml—160ml之间,平均失血量为68ml±6.0ml。对照组妇女宫缩发动时间在27h—41h之间,平均时间为33h±7.10h;产程时间在34h—63h之间,平均时间为41h±7.76h;失血量在55ml—280ml之间,平均失血量为100ml±20ml。两组中期妊娠引产妇女比较差异显著,临床有统计学意义,P<0.05,观察组低于对照组。另外,两组妇女在引产完毕后,观察组妇女全部引产成功,未出现软产道裂伤;对照组妇女出现1例引产失败,72小时后再次羊膜腔内注射利凡诺引产后成功。在术后表现上,观察组优于对照组,比较差异显著,临床有统计学意义,P<0.05。结论:利凡诺联合米非司酮用于中期妊娠引产,引产成功率高,出血时间相对较短,出血量相对较少,无软产道裂伤,积极意义较大,可以在日后临床工作上推广应用。 OBJECTIVE: To analyze the clinical effect of Rivaroxol combined with mifepristone in induction of labor during the second trimester of pregnancy, and to provide reference and guidance for future clinical treatment. Methods: One hundred and fourteen women of induced abortion were selected from Huaxi District Family Planning Center for Women and Children in October 2006-October 2013. 140 women were randomly divided into observation group and control group. For the control group of women, the application of rivanol intra-amniotic injection of induced abortion; for the observation group of women, in the amniotic injection of rivanol induction of labor on the basis of oral administration of mifepristone, compared the clinical manifestations of the two groups of induced abortion women. Results: After clinical statistics, the observation group women’s uterine contraction time between 17h-29h, the average time was 22h ± 2.14h; labor time between 21h-35h, the average time was 26h ± 4.15h; blood loss in 35ml- 160ml between the average blood loss of 68ml ± 6.0ml. Contraction of women contractions time between 27h-41h, the average time was 33h ± 7.10h; labor time in 34h-63h, the average time was 41h ± 7.76h; loss of blood between 55ml-280ml, the average blood loss The amount of 100ml ± 20ml. Two groups of midwifery women induced abortion significantly different, clinically statistically significant, P <0.05, the observation group was lower than the control group. In addition, the two groups of women after induction of labor, the observation group women all successful induction of labor, no soft birth canal laceration; women in the control group, 1 case of induced abortion failure, 72 hours after the intra-amniotic injection of rivanol after successful induction of labor. In the postoperative performance, the observation group was superior to the control group, the difference was significant, the clinical significance (P <0.05). Conclusions: Levano combined with mifepristone for mid-term pregnancy induction of labor, high success rate of induction of labor, bleeding time is relatively short, relatively small amount of bleeding, no soft birth canal laceration, the positive significance of greater clinical work in the future Promote the application.
古城的医学造诣 蒙彼利埃第一次有名字的记载是在公元985年,当时名为蒙斯佩斯特拉里奥。它坐落在一个狭长的地中海流域内陆湖的边上,经历了一个非常的发展时期。 蒙彼利埃诞
目的 :分析和研究产前子痫终止妊娠方式与终止时机对母婴结局影响。方法 :我们将2014年5月—2016年4月产前子痫患者36例作为本次研究对象,将其终止妊娠时机与方式进行回顾性