迎龙年 观龙展

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我国是龙的故乡,炎黄子孙是龙的传人。全国各地有关龙的民间传说举不胜举,就连地层中挖掘出来的古代脊椎动物化石,也称龙骨。你可能看过有关龙的绘画和雕刻,但却不一定见过“龙”的化石。正逢龙年到来之际,中国科学院为了让首都人民一睹“龙”的雄姿,特意在春节期间举办了《史前龙展》。这次展览规模宏大,包括有六十件馆藏标本,如名闻遐迩的准噶尔翼龙、中国肯氏兽、山西(鱼噩)、鹦鹉嘴龙、蒙古雷兽和小巨犀;有巨大的蜥脚类马门溪龙、禄丰龙和酋龙;更有板块学说的重要证据之一——二齿兽等。其中大都是未曾与观众见过面的稀世珍宝。这次展览期间,观众以极大的兴趣亲眼目睹,盛赞 Our country is the hometown of dragons, the descendants of the ancestors are the descendants of dragons. There are numerous folklore about dragons across the country, and even ancient vertebrate fossils excavated from the strata, also known as keel. You may have seen paintings and sculptures of dragons, but not necessarily the fossils of dragons. Just as the Year of the Dragon comes, the Chinese Academy of Sciences held the “Prehistoric Dragon Show” during the Spring Festival in order to let the people of the capital see the magnificence of the “dragon.” The exhibition is large-scale, including sixty collections of specimens such as the famous Junggar Pterosaur, the Chinese Ken-beast, Shanxi (Yugur), the Psittacosaurus, the Mongolian Lemmon and the little giant rhinoceros; Feet Mamenchik Dragon, Lu Feng Long and Emirates Long; more plate theory one of the important evidence - two teeth beasts. Most of these are rare treasures that have not been seen by the audience. During this exhibition, the audience witnessed and praised with great interest
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