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素质教育在我国实践多年,素质教育提倡的就是以学生为主体,激发学生主动探究学习的能力,并开发学生智力潜能多年实践证明,在学习过程中,学生只有遇到自己感兴趣的知识点、实验现象及生活常识时,才表现的主动去思索、探究。所谓的物理教学生活化,就是以培养学生探究能力来提高各自的学习主动性、学习积极性,提高参与课堂教学积极性为宗旨的一种教学策略。在初中物理教学过程中,根据新课改的要求,教师要深入挖掘教材中重点难点兴趣点,激发学生在物理课堂大胆提问探究,变被动听课为积极思考,使学生在愉悦的、主动自觉地状态下,怀着对知识的向往和极大兴趣,去探索初中物理学习的有效方法并获得知识的营养。所以说,物理教学生活化是通往物理学科知识的桥梁,提问探究是掌握初中物理学科有效学习方法的关键,只有学生对物理知识有探究兴趣了,才是提高学习成绩的有效办法。 Quality education in our country for many years of practice, quality education advocates is based on the students, to stimulate students ’ability to actively explore the learning and development of students’ intellectual potential for many years of practice has proved that in the learning process, students only encountered their own points of interest, Experimental phenomena and common sense, only the performance of the initiative to think, explore. The so-called physical teaching of life, is to cultivate students’ ability to explore to improve their learning initiative, learning enthusiasm, to improve participation in classroom teaching initiative for a teaching strategy. In the process of junior high school physics teaching, according to the requirements of the new curriculum reform, teachers should excavate the key points and points of interest in the teaching materials, inspire students to probe into the questions in the physical classroom, change their passive listening class to think positively, make the students enjoy themselves actively State, with the yearning for knowledge and great interest, to explore the effective methods of junior high school physics learning and access to knowledge and nutrition. Therefore, the teaching of physical teaching is the bridge leading to the knowledge of physics, and asking questions is the key to mastering the effective learning method of physics in junior middle school. Only when students have the interest in physics knowledge is the effective way to improve the academic performance.
语文是一门应用型学科,我们指导学生正确了解、运用祖国的语言和文字,培养学生听、说、读、写的基本能力。朗诵是学习语文的重要途径之一,在语文教学中是一种艺术。 Languag
新里斯本是美国中西部大草原上一个典型的小镇──局促、友好,但节奏平缓,时间的流 逝仿佛不是以季节来衡量,而是以全镇人们支持的橄榄球队每赛季的成绩来做标准。然而就 在这个
奥迪A5很适合那些热衷操控但又不喜欢过分张扬的商界精英。 Audi A5 is suitable for those who are keen to control but do not like too much publicity business elite.
艾 斐  著名文艺理论家。生于 194 8年 ,山西万荣人 ,先后在县、地、市、省及中央党政机关工作。 1983年加入中国作家协会。 1985年评定为研究员。 1990年由国家人事部命
(一) 人人都能成为百万富翁,贫穷仅仅是由错误的观念造成 的;谁要是口袋里缺钱,嘴上还一个劲地发牢骚,就应该从自己 的身上找问题。波多·谢菲尔,这个出身德国、在美国发财的富 翁,现