Fuel Tax in Sight to Raise Energy Efficiency

来源 :中国油气:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxg668888
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决策者们谈论了介绍燃料税超过一十年。现在,国家是到精力效率使它成为的加薪的迫切需要正确时间把税带进现实。中国最近在气候变化和在这个国家附近催促本地政府和公司为精力保存和污染物质分泌物减小实现沃克普兰将军的中国 Governmentcircular 上宣布了它的行动计划。
<正>PetroChina recently said its oil and natural gas output had jumped 4.3 percent in the first nine months to meet rising local demand. The firm’s production
在北 Qinghai 西藏高原定位了, Qaidam 盆是在南方,在北方的 Qilian 山,和在 thewest 的 Altun 山的包围 bythe 东方 Kunlun 山。与 121,000 方形的公里(km~2 ) 的一个区域, Qaid
<正>China, which is rich in coal but poor in petroleum and gas, may put an end to projects which are designed to produce petroleum by liquefying coal, according
<正>China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), began building an 8.2-billion-yuan (US$1.2 billion) refinery in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in late-Septe
<正>China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China’s leading company in natural gas production and transportation, has made ambitious plans to increase its
<正>The crude production of Petro China Daqing Oilfield has been accumulated to 1.95 billion tons following nearly five decades of intensive exploration and hig