日照港二公司 转机制 闯市场

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日照港二公司经营的是日照港煤码头工程节资兴建的杂货码头,因国家自始就没有调配计划,只能自己找米下锅,闯市场、拉货源。但是由于受长期计划经济的影响,公司运行体制不灵活,不能迅速对市场的变化作出反应。1993年,南方城市大兴基础建设,建材市场异常火热,腹地的几十家水泥厂竞相走货,水泥运量大增,完成运量71.5万吨,占全年吞吐量的34.5%。1994年建材市场有所回落,可由于北方港口的瓜干出口集中走日照港,于是又展开了“瓜干大战”,全年共出口瓜干54.5万吨,占全年吞吐量的24.5%。1995年的情形又不同了,建材市场疲软,瓜干运量几乎为零,出口货源减少,而散化肥、矿砂、散粮等进口货却比往年大增,码头堆场堆积如山,疏港困难。面对迅速发展的市场经济,公司将生产调度为中心转变为以货源为中心,成立了“振海、兴海、 Rizhao Port II company is operating the Rizhao Port Coal Terminal project construction section of the construction of the general cargo terminal, because the country has no plan for the deployment, only to find their own rice pot, break into the market, pull supply. However, due to the long-term planned economy, the company’s operating system is inflexible and can not respond quickly to market changes. In 1993, the infrastructure construction in the southern city of Daxing and the unusually hot building materials market resulted in dozens of cement factories in the hinterland competing for goods. The volume of cement transportation soared to 715,000 tons, accounting for 34.5% of the annual throughput. In 1994, the building materials market declined slightly. As the export of dried guanannese in the northern port concentrated on the Rizhao Port, the “Guandan War” was launched and a total of 545,000 tons of dried melons and melons were exported, accounting for 24.5% of the annual throughput. In 1995, the situation was different. The market for building materials was weak. The dry weight of melons and melons was almost zero, and the supply of export goods was reduced. However, the import of bulk chemical fertilizers, mineral sands and bulk grain products surged over the previous years. . Faced with the rapid development of the market economy, the company will shift production scheduling as the center of supply, set up a "Zhenhai, Xinghai,
1 .引言近年来 ,为保持国民经济持续快速增长 ,国家采取了扩大内需 ,增加固定资产投资 ,加快基础设施建设的经济政策 ,并把加快交通基础设施建设列为重点之一。在国家通过发
随着电子政务迅速拓展 ,视频会议系统建设已备受关注。北京威速科技有限公司是国内领先的软件视频会议提供商之一 ,拥有一支优秀的技术开发和服务人员队伍 ,加上遍布全国各地
夏秋季节,不少男性往往在前胸、后背、腋窝、肘窝或脖子等处,出现斑斑点点的褐色、灰色或黑色的小斑点。皮肤较白的人尤其明显。人们把这种洗擦不掉的斑点叫做“汗斑”。 S