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来到广东花县(今花都市)洪秀全故居,我的心情是相当复杂的。也许前些年来此,或可能单纯些:一位杰出的农民起义大军的首领、太平天国运动的首倡者,无疑是要肃然起敬的。但在今天,来前则读了不少批评乃至否定的文章:一个不伦不类的造神者,一个井非进步甚至比之清廷更加腐化的自立为王者,一个心胸狭隘不能容人制造内讧的首恶分子,一个活该失败而不可能取胜的造反者……总之,在我的心上蒙上了一层未及掸拂的阴影……其实,在这以前的若干年中,我对洪氏除却在总体上认定他是 Came to Guangdong Huaxian (now Huadu) Hong Xiuquan former residence, my mood is quite complicated. Perhaps in previous years, or perhaps simply, the leader of an outstanding peasant uprising army and the advocator of the Taiping movement is undoubtedly to be awe-inspiring. Today, however, we read a lot of articles that were criticized and even denied: a nondescript creator of God, a non-progressive non-progressive even more corrupt self-reliance king than the Qing court, a narrow minded person who can not tolerate the evil of making infighting Momentum, a rebel who can not succeed in defeat ... In short, there is a shadow over my heart that did not touch the brush ... In fact, in the past few years, I have removed Hong from He is generally found
Both preclinical and clinical data link glutamate to the migraine pathophisiol ogy. Altered plasma, platelets and cerebrospinal (CSF) glutamate levels have bee
在上消化道出血的各种病因中 ,消化性溃疡出血占5 0 %左右 ,居首位。对于消化性溃疡合并出血已有不少的研究 ,但往往注重其内镜下特征及治疗方法等 ,如能从临床特征中摸索出
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患者男性 ,1 9岁 ,2年前开始感上腹疼痛 ,伴恶心 ,呕吐 ,呕物为食物残渣 ,食欲不振 ,近日加重 ,于 1 999年8月 6日入院。查体 :病人消瘦 ,营养不良 ,脐上三指处有轻度压痛 ,
1  在叙说我父亲牺牲一事之前 ,先说说他在世时我家的最后居住之地。那里不仅是父亲被捕遇难之处 ,母亲谢世之所 ,而且是我一家三代风雨经历之见证。那里有着我家的血和泪
4月28日,日本东京,日本企业市民协议会(Council For Better Corporate Citizenship,简称CBCC)主办的CSR国际论坛云集了全球的CSR大咖和日本的各界代表。论坛共分两场,第一场
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