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本文根据实验结果并在分析流体的某些特性的基础上,提出了“流体动量交换场”的新论点,作为流体动量交换原理的必要条件。故流体的动量交换原理应叙述为:诸束流体同时碰撞时,它们之间要在一个面积大于流束本身截面若干倍的场地—“流体动量交换场”内进行动量交换,这时其交换后的合成动量为诸流束原有动量按矢量合点法则相加得到。文中用流体动量交换场的观点解释了有关射流实验的结果、而这些结果用一般动量交换原理是不能园满解释的。因一般动量交换原理没有考虑流体的特性,故仅适用于刚体的情况。作者并进一步用实验证实了流体动量交换场的存在,同时进行一些定性的分析,从而论证了该观点的正确性。实践证明“流体动量交换场”的观点对设计动量交换型射流元件的几何形状和尺寸有着一定意义,并推断它对于设计动量交换式动力机械也将是有用的。 Based on the experimental results and based on the analysis of certain fluid properties, this paper presents a new argument of “fluid momentum exchange field” as a necessary condition for the principle of fluid momentum exchange. Therefore, the principle of fluid momentum exchange should be described as: when the fluid bundle collision at the same time, between them in a larger area than the beam itself several times the cross-section of the field - “fluid momentum exchange field” within the momentum exchange, when the exchange The resultant momentum is obtained by adding the original momentum of the beams to the vector of points. In this paper, the results of jet experiments are explained from the viewpoint of fluid momentum exchange field, and these results can not be fully explained by the principle of general momentum exchange. Due to the general momentum exchange principle does not consider the fluid characteristics, it is only applicable to rigid body. The author further confirms the existence of hydrodynamic exchange field experimentally, and conducts some qualitative analysis at the same time, thus confirms the correctness of this viewpoint. Practice has proved that “fluid momentum exchange field” point of view of the geometry of the design and momentum exchange jet geometry and size of a certain significance, and inferred it for the design of momentum exchange power machinery will also be useful.
目的:观察肉桂不同部位对大鼠凝血功能及血液流变学的影响,并筛选出活性部位。方法:(1)大鼠连续给药1周后检测凝血功能指标。(2)大鼠连续给药8 d,于第7天皮下注射盐酸肾上腺
主要分析从蝙蝠葛碱的中药成分来源、药理作用及其临床应用进行总结,为寻求中医药防治恶性肿瘤的新途径和研制新药提供实验和理论依据。 The main analysis is that the ori
本文用蒙特卡洛(Monte Carlo)法研究了开发方案中产能的确定问题,并以确定某油田的产能为例,检验了该方法在确定新油田产能中的实用性。 In this paper, Monte Carlo method
资政理史后半生,鞠躬尽瘁孺子情。献身革命多建树,无憾兰台留美名。事业振兴基础起,心血耗尽入梦中。再看档案辉煌日,捷报鲜花慰英灵。 After the second half of the hist