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中国的信托业恢复和发展已经走过了将近二十年的历程,到1997年3月底止,全国具有法人资格的信托投资公司有240多家,资产规模达6000多亿元,占全国金融机构资产总额的10%。这些信托机构对于弥补我国传统银行信用的不足,筹集建设资金,拓宽投资渠道,推动资金的横向流动,发挥了积极作用。但是,随着市场经济改革的不断深化,我国信托业的诸多弊端和风险日益暴露出来。最突出的问题:一是信托业的资产质量低,行业性风险大。不良资产占总资产比例大大高于国有商业银行,个别信托投资公司甚至超过了50%。二是腐败严重,大要案不断。三是发展方向不明,功能定位模糊。在金融体制改革,尤其是在财税制度和国有商业银行改革不断深化的形势下,经营困难,生存空间日趋狭窄。一时间,中国的信托业何去何从成为人们关注的焦点,本文试图用制度经济学的观点,分析中国信托机构的恢复和发展过程,即制度变迁过程,并对我国信托业恢复和发展过程进行必要的理论总结,找出我国信托业的出 China’s trust industry has undergone nearly two decades of restoration and development. By the end of March 1997, there were more than 240 trust and investment companies with legal personality in the country, with a total assets of more than 600 billion yuan, accounting for more than 600 billion yuan in the national financial institutions 10% of the total assets. These trust agencies play an active role in making up for the lack of credit in traditional Chinese banks, raising funds for construction, widening investment channels and promoting the horizontal flow of funds. However, with the continuous deepening of market economy reform, many shortcomings and risks in China’s trust industry are increasingly exposed. The most prominent problem: First, the trust industry’s asset quality is low, the industry risk. The proportion of non-performing assets in total assets is much higher than that of state-owned commercial banks, with individual trust and investment companies even exceeding 50%. Second, serious corruption, major contingencies. Third, the direction of development is unknown, and its function is ambiguous. Under the circumstances of the reform of the financial system, especially in the fiscal and taxation system and the deepening of the reform of state-owned commercial banks, operating difficulties and living space are becoming increasingly narrow. For a time, where to go to China’s trust industry has become the focus of attention. This article tries to use the perspective of institutional economics to analyze the process of the recovery and development of China’s trust institutions, namely, the process of institutional change, and the necessary steps for the recovery and development of China’s trust industry Theoretical summary, find out the out of our country’s trust industry
摘 要: 文章对某水厂取水车间2013年变频技改前后机组运行情况进行调查,并经过比较分析后,提出采用变频技术对生产运行机组进行改造,不仅减少了机组开停机次数,使得供水电耗率明显下降,而且供水调度更加科学简易,为企业带来明显经济效益。  关键词:变频技术;节能;电耗率;供水调节  中图分类号:TE08文献标识码: A  一、变频技术的定义  简单的说,变频技术就是通过将三相380V(220V)/50