Global stabilizing controller design for linear time-varying systems and its application on BTT miss

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wang_fly
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A parametric method for the gain-scheduled controller design of a linear time-varying system is given. According to the proposed scheduling method,the performance between adjacent characteristic points is preserved by the invariant eigenvalues and the gradually varying eigenvectors.A sufficient stability criterion is given by constructing a series of Lyapunov functions based on the selected discrete characteristic points.An important contribution is that it provides a simple and feasible approach for the design of gain-scheduled controllers for linear time-varying systems,which can guarantee both the global stability and the desired closed-loop performance of the resulted system.The method is applied to the design of a BTT missile autopilot and the simulation results show that the method is superior to the traditional one in sense of either global stability or system performance. A parametric method for the gain-scheduled controller design of a linear time-varying system is given. According to the proposed scheduling method, the performance between adjacent characteristic points is preserved by the invariant eigenvalues ​​and the gradually varying eigenvectors. A. sufficient stability criterion is given by constructing a series of Lyapunov functions based on the selected discrete characteristic points. An important contribution is that it provides a simple and feasible approach for the design of gain-scheduled controllers for linear time-varying systems, which can guarantee both the global stability and the desired closed-loop performance of the resulted system. The method is applied to the design of a BTT missile autopilot and the simulation results show that the method is superior to the traditional one in sense of either global stability or system performance.
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作者简介:梁宝忠(1971-),男,陕西宝鸡人,东莞理工学院教育学院(师范学院)副教授,硕士,主要从事作曲技术理论、音乐美学和哲学等方面的研究。  喷着烈焰 照耀寰宇 一顆亘古不变的心  宁静中 娇羞的脸庞撒下一缕缕清辉  你巨浪滔天 她润若碧玉 述不尽的万种风情  陨石坠落 炙人的风啊 整个天空都烧红了  风在肩膀呼啸 头巾挥舞翻滚 傲骨永存  狰狞嶙峋的怪石静坐了千年 凝视着夕阳  沉睡的大地