
来源 :中国残疾人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:amwygah021121
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上帝将亚当和夏娃驱出伊甸园,是为了惩罚他们获取神灵的情感与智慧。亚当与夏娃在漫长的岁月里把他们的智慧如数遗传给了子孙们,目的是为让大地充满人类的灵气。然而,不少人却仅仅只为承续后裔而陷入了愚生愚、痴生痴的劣种繁衍的怪圈。这是整个人类的悲剧。18世纪,英国生物学家高尔顿提出了优生学理论。100多年后的1974年,中国才被人口负荷的警钟敲醒。“控制人口数量、提高人口素质”才作为一项基本国策被写进政府工作报告。然而,20年过去了,优生优育在一些地方只是一纸空文而已。据有关资料记载:我国遗传患者为世界之最,目前已发现遗传疾病千余(?),患者达3000万之众;我国新生畸形儿和低智商儿为世界之最,全国现有14岁以下痴呆儿340万、畸形儿800-1000万;据《家庭与生活报》最近报道,我国新生儿出生缺陷总发生率为12.8‰。低智商儿总患病率为10.7‰。四川省每100人中就有4人是遗传或先 God expels Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden in order to punish them for acquiring the divine affections and wisdom. Adam and Eve passed on their wisdom to their children and grandchildren for a long time in order to fill the earth with human aura. However, many people have fallen into a vicious circle of stupid students and demented and infamous ones just for their descendants. This is a tragedy of the entire human race. In the 18th century, British biologist Galton put forward the eugenics theory. In 1974, more than 100 years later, China was awakened by the alarm of population burden. “Control the population, improve the quality of the population ” was written into the government work report as a basic national policy. However, 20 years later, prenatal and postnatal care is only a dead letter in some places. According to the data records: China is the world’s genetic patients, has found that genetic disease more than a thousand (?), Up to 30 million patients; China’s newborn children with malnutrition and low IQ for the most children in the world, the existing 14-year-old 3.4 million dementia children, deformed children 800-1000 million; According to the “Family and Daily News” recently reported that the total incidence of neonatal birth defects in China was 12.8 ‰. The total prevalence of low IQ children was 10.7 ‰. Four out of every 100 people in Sichuan Province are hereditary or first
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例1 刘××,男性,42岁。因全身关节酸痛于1980年9月10日上午10时许将铁捧锤15g左右捣碎服下,一小时后觉全身发麻、头晕,随后视物模糊,流涎,恶心,频频呕吐,腹痛腹泻。下午一
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