
来源 :农业现代化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunwenjun19841120
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以福建闽侯典型冷浸田为例,通过连续两年定位监测比较的方法,研究了同一小流域冷浸田与非冷浸田(灰泥田)地下水位与农田小气候生境特征及其差异。结果表明,灰泥田地下水位常年波动较大,且主要发生在地表之下0-50cm,而相应的冷浸田地下水位波动较小,主要分布在地表之上10-40cm,较灰泥田常年平均高出49.3cm。冷浸田地下水还原性物质总量是灰泥田的2.8倍,Fe2+则是灰泥田的1.8倍。冷浸田光合有效辐射年均值较灰泥田降低26.9%,达显著差异水平。冷浸田单季稻生育期(6-10月)平均地表温度、5cm地温、10cm地温、15cm地温分别比灰泥田低0.4℃、0.4℃、0.5℃、0.6℃,尤其是9-10月的抽穗灌浆期地温与灰泥田差异进一步加大;其单季稻生育期平均气温均也较灰泥田低0.6℃。山垄冷浸田地下水位高并伴随强还原性、较低的光合有效辐射与水稻生育后期地温下降较快是区别于非冷浸田的重要生境特征,这可能是冷浸田生产力低下的综合原因。基于冷浸田生境特征,从工程与农艺措施等方面提出治理利用对策。 Taking the typical cold paddy field in Minhou, Fujian as an example, the characteristics and differences of the groundwater level and the microclimate of the farmland in the cold paddy field and the non-cold paddy field (gray clay field) in the same small watershed were studied through the comparison of two years of location monitoring and comparison. The results showed that the groundwater table in the muddy field fluctuated largely from year to year, and mainly occurred 0-50cm below the surface. However, the groundwater table fluctuated slightly in the corresponding cold paddy fields, mainly distributed above the surface 10-40cm, Higher than 49.3cm. The total amount of reducing substances in groundwater in cold-immersed fields is 2.8 times of that in the clay fields and 1.8 times that of Fe2 +. The annual average of photosynthetically active radiation in cold-immersed fields decreased by 26.9% compared with that in the gray-mud fields, reaching significant differences. The average ground surface temperature, 5cm ground temperature, 10cm ground temperature and 15cm soil temperature during single paddy rice growing season (June-October) were 0.4%, 0.4 ℃, 0.5 ℃, 0.6 ℃, and September-October, respectively The differences in temperature and stucco fields further increased. The average temperature of single-cropping rice was also 0.6 ℃ lower than that in the gray-mud fields. The high groundwater level and the strong reducibility of the ridge water in cold soils with ridge and ridge, the lower photosynthetically active radiation and the rapid decrease of the soil temperature in the late growth stage of rice are important habitat characteristics distinguished from non-cold soak fields, which may be the result of low productivity the reason. Based on the habitat characteristics of cold dip fields, the paper puts forward the countermeasures of harnessing and utilizing from aspects of engineering and agronomic measures.
◇ 老睡不醒,可能气虚  睡眠时间其实并没有一个明确的标准,主要根据我们第二天的精力是否充沛来判断。成年人一般保证6个小时左右的睡眠时间就够了,青少年及儿童由于生长发育的需要,睡眠时间应比成年人多一点。如果睡眠时间达到6个小时依旧有疲劳感,可适当延长。但也要考虑影响睡眠质量的外界因素,比如睡眠环境是否安静、睡眠中是否多梦等。而有些人睡了10个小时甚至12个小时依旧感觉睡不够,这种情况可能就是气虚在