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中国古代四大发明之一的活字印刷术,举世公认其首创者是我国北宋平民毕昇。然而,发明者毕昇不载于正史或其他传记,仅有北宋沈括《梦溪笔谈》对活字印刷的工艺流程有所记述。至于毕昇的籍贯、生平均无文献可考。近年在湖北省英山县草盘地镇五桂墩村睡狮山之阳不仅发现了这位伟大的科学家的墓碑,还相继在附近发现了其子孙墓葬及其相关文物。这些发现解决了科学史上的缺憾,它是继沈括《梦溪笔谈》记载其活字印刷术后的一次重大的考古学发现。该文根据宋代“英山”的历史地理情况,并结合出土文物研究,认为毕昇墓碑在英山发现绝非偶然,它证明了毕昇是英山人,卒于皇祐4三年(1051年),下葬于是祐4四年(1052年)二月。又据沈括的生平及其活动情况,可以说明沈括有数度来“英山”的可能,他对毕所创胶泥活字版进行考察、研究和收藏,并将其记录在《梦溪笔谈》中,传诸后世。 One of the four great inventions of ancient China, which is universally acknowledged as the pioneer in the world, is Bi Sheng of civilians in North Song Dynasty. However, the inventor Bi Sheng does not contain Zhengshi or other biographies. Only the Northern Song Shen Kuo “Meng Xi Bi Tan” describes the process of movable type printing. As Bi Sheng’s place of origin, no average student can test. In recent years, not only the tombstone of this great scientist, but also the tombs of their descendants and their related relics have been discovered nearby in the village of Wu Gui Dun Village, Caopan Town, Yushan County, Hubei Province. These findings solve the shortcomings in the history of science, which is a major archaeological discovery after the typography of movable type recorded by Shen Kuo in “Meng Xi Bi Tan Tan”. According to the history and geography of “Ying Shan” in the Song Dynasty and the study of the unearthed relics, it is no accident that it is found in the hillside of Bi Sheng. It proves that Bi Sheng was a native of Ying Shan and died in Huang You 4 for three years (1051 Year), buried under the Bless 4 four years (1052) February. According to Shen Kuo’s life and his activities, he could explain the possibility that Shen Kuo had several trips to “Ying Shan”. He inspected, studied and collected the biocompatible plastic version and recorded it in Meng Xi Bi Tan All future generations.
题目:甲、乙两队同时合修一条1625米长的公路,用25天完成。完工时甲队比乙队少修125米,乙队平均每天修35米,甲队平均每天修多少米? Topic: A, B two teams together at the
写好本次习作,要注意以下几点:一、选材。本次习作是关于“环保”的话题,可以写的内容很多,大到环境的污染、环境的治理 Write this exercise, should pay attention to the