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2008年7月19日,苹果公司在北京三里屯开设了中国第一家直营店。2012年10月20日,在北京最繁华地段王府井,中国第三家苹果零售店,也是亚洲最大的直营店开张,规模和气场均无比诱人。整洁的店面、宽敞的空间、华丽的设计以及优异的服务,使苹果零售店成为吸引“果粉”去体验的绝佳理由。“苹果零售店就是苹果产品最大的包装,这也就不难理解为何苹果对其如此重视了。”北京尚衡知本顾问有限公司董事长 On July 19, 2008, Apple opened its first direct-operated store in Sanlitun, Beijing. On October 20, 2012, in Wangfujing, the most prosperous part of Beijing, China’s third Apple retail store, which is also Asia’s largest direct-operated store, opened. The scale and the gas field are all extremely attractive. The neat storefront, spacious space, gorgeous design and excellent service make Apple Retail Stores a great reason to attract “fruit powder” to experience. “Apple retail store is the largest package of Apple products, it is not difficult to understand why Apple attaches so much importance to it.” Beijing Heng Heng Zhi Ben Consultant Co., Ltd. chairman
1.买车前幻想有美女来搭讪,买车后总有大妈来搭讪:这个地方停车一小时5元。  2.買车前我看见豪车就合影留念,买车后我看见豪车就开得远点。  3.买车前我想有车以后,我想去哪就去哪。买车后我发现,我想去哪,得听导航的。  4.买车前老婆让我洗衣服、洗碗,买车后老婆让我洗衣服、洗碗,还有洗车。  5.买车前下班回家,老婆会检查我的衣服上有没有长发。买车后下班回家,老婆会闻一闻车里面有没有香水味。  
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Talking about the novels I:Hey,Gill,what kind of books doyou like best? G:I prefer novels to pure literature. I:Then who is your favorite writer? G:I’m crazy
Many thousands of years a-go,people lived only in hot countries.Theydid not live in cold countries because they could notkeep warm.They they learned how to mak