Origin of strain-induced resonances in flexible terahertz metamaterials

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:A67793166
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Two types of flexible terahertz metamaterials were fabricated on polyethylene naphthalate(PEN) substrates. The unit cell of one type consists of two identical split-ring resonators(SRRs) that are arranged face-to-face(i.e., Flex Meta F); the unit cell of the other type has nothing different but is arranged back-to-back(i.e., Flex Meta B). Flex Meta F and Flex Meta B illustrate the similar transmission dips under zero strain because the excitation of fundamental inductive–capacitive(LC)resonance is mainly dependent on the geometric structure of individual SRR. However, if a gradually variant strain is applied to bend Flex Meta F and Flex Meta B, the new resonant peaks appear: in the case of Flex Meta F, the peaks are located at the lower frequencies; in the case of Flex Meta B, the peaks appear at the frequencies adjacent to the LC resonance. The origin and evolution of strain-induced resonances are studied. The origin is ascribed to the detuning effect and the different responses to strain from Flex Meta F and Flex Meta B are associated with the coupling effect. These findings may improve the understanding on flexible terahertz metamaterials and benefit their applications in flexible or curved devices. Two types of flexible terahertz metamaterials were fabricated on polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) substrates. The unit cell of one type consists of two identical split-ring resonators (SRRs) that are arranged face-to-face (ie, Flex Meta F); the unit cell of the other type has nothing different but is arranged back-to-back (ie, Flex Meta B). Flex Meta F and Flex Meta B illustrate the similar transmission dips under zero strain because of excitation of fundamental inductive-capacitive ), is a dependent variant on the geometric structure of individual SRR. However, if a gradually variant strain is applied to bend Flex Meta F and Flex Meta B, the new resonant peaks appear: in the case of Flex Meta F, the peaks are located at the lower frequencies; in the case of Flex Meta B, the peaks appear at the frequencies adjacent to the LC resonance. The origin and evolution of strain-induced resonances are studied. The origin is ascribed to the detuning effect and the different responses tostrain from Flex Meta F and Flex Meta B are associated with the coupling effect. These findings may improve the understanding on flexible terahertz metamaterials and benefit their applications in flexible or curved devices.
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