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改革开放以来,民营经济沐浴着党的政策的阳光雨露,在中国肥沃的土地上,像雨后春笋般地成长壮大。统计资料表明:目前,非国有经济对我国GDP的贡献率已达63%,对工业增加值的贡献已达74%。民营企业所生产的商品,不仅迅速进入我国消费者的视野,有的甚至打入国际市场,走在世界消费的最前列,领导着日新月异的消费潮流。民营企业正在成为拉动中国经济增长的“火车头”。民营企为:拉动中国经济快速发展的生力军1997年,党的十五大报告把公有制为主体、多种经济成分共同发展确定为社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度,并把发展民营经济在内的非公有制经济作为“社会 Since the reform and opening up, the sunshine and rain of the private economy bathed in the party's policies have mushroomed in the fertile land of China. Statistics show that at present, the contribution rate of non-state-owned economy to China's GDP has reached 63%, contributing 74% to the added value of the industry. The products produced by private enterprises have not only rapidly entered into the perspective of consumers in our country, some have even entered the international market and are at the forefront of world consumption, leading the ever-changing consumption trend. Private enterprises are becoming “locomotives” driving China's economic growth. Private enterprises: a new force driving China's rapid economic development In 1997, the report of the 15th National Congress of the Party identified the common development of various sectors of the economy as the mainstay and the common development of various economic sectors as the basic economic system in the primary stage of socialism and put the development of private economy into account Non-public economy as a "social
企业简介 广东省公路建设公司是以建设、经营、管理珠江三角洲高速公路网为主的国有企业,公司系统现有广深珠高速公路有限公司、京珠高速公路广珠段有限公司、虎门大桥有限
南宁市人民政府令第33号《南宁市政府采购管理办法》已经市人民政府常务会议审议通过,现予发布,自颁布之日起施行。市长:林国强二○○○年一月十二日 Nanning Municipal Pe
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各市人民政府、行署,各县(市)人民政府,省政府各部门、各直属机构,各大企业,各高等院校: 现将《山东省省级经济开发区管理暂行办法》印发你们,望遵照执行。 People’s gove