
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Intoyou
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所谓大刑侦运行机制,我们的设想就是打破以往分散的、封闭的破案格局,建设一整套领导重视,全局动作,人人参与,社会支持,通力配合,整体作战的大刑侦格局的系统工程,其目的就是破现案,攻大案,一般案件破案率确保80%,力争达到85%;重大案件破案率确保85%,力争达90%,实现这个系统工程,把大刑侦格局这架机器真正运转起来,就必须挖掘潜力,建设六个系统,落实四个措施。挖掘潜力,建设六个系统,形成以分局指挥室为中枢,以刑警队为骨干,以有关科队为侧翼,以派出所为依托,以广大群众为基础,以地区协作为补充的多层次、多警种、多功能的共同参与,有机合成,整体作战的破案格局。一、开发指挥室功能,加强中枢系统建设。分局指挥室在发挥值班调度、“110”报警、协调督促等功能的基础上,赋予其侦察破案宏观调控的功能。改变过去那种线索分散、效率较低的现象,对涉案线索实施集中管理,筛选处置,及时转递,反复督办、重点落实;对发生的重大案件,及时协助领导调动各方面警力;实施整体作战,提高快速反应能力,保证指挥决策及时到位,真正起到中枢神经的作用。目前,我们天津市津南公安分局指挥室正在抓紧进行设备安装和人员培训,即将投入运行。 The so-called “mechanism of investigation, detection and transportation” of our criminal suspects is based on breaking up the fragmented and closed detection pattern of the past and building a set of systems engineering of the Criminal Investigation Bureau that takes the leadership seriously, the overall action, the participation of all, the social support, the full cooperation and the overall operations. The purpose is to break the case, attack the big case, the general case detection rate to ensure that 80%, and strive to reach 85%; major cases to ensure 85% detection rate and strive to reach 90%, to achieve this system engineering, To rise up, we must tap the potential to build six systems and implement the four measures. Tap the potential and build six systems to form a branch of the command room as the backbone to Interpol team as the backbone to the relevant team as the flank to the police station as the basis for the masses as the basis for regional cooperation to complement the multi-level and more Police species, multi-functional participation, organic synthesis, the overall operation of the detection pattern. First, develop the command room function, strengthen the central system construction. Branch command room to play on duty scheduling, “110 ” alarm, coordination and supervision and other functions, based on the reconnaissance and detection of its macro-control function. Change the clues in the past that are scattered and inefficient, implement centralized management, screening and disposal of the clues involved, promptly transfer them and repeatedly supervise the implementation of the clues, and give priority to their implementation; promptly and promptly assist the leaders in mobilizing all aspects of police officers in carrying out major operations; implement the overall operations , Improve the ability to respond quickly and ensure that the command and decision in place in a timely manner, really play the role of the central nervous system. At present, Tianjin Jinnan Public Security Bureau command room is stepping up its equipment installation and personnel training, is about to put into operation.
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