Introduction to the International Symposium on Lipid Science and Health and research progress in lip

来源 :中国油料作物学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ljq529632883
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The International Symposium on Lipid Science and Health (ISLSH),which was organized annually by Oil Crops Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (OCRI-CAAS) since 2016,has gained a strong reputation and attracted hundreds of delegates from around the word for discussion of lipid research trends and advances every year,to promote research and academic exchanges in the fields of lipid science and health.The 5th International Symposium on lipid Science and Health was successfully held in Wuhan,China,from October 23rd to 25th,2020,to celebrate the 60th anniversary of OCRI-CAAS.The two-day symposium gathered well-known experts specialized in lipid science to share the current state of lipid research with emphasis on aspects covering:(1) lipid profiling and characterization,(2) lipid preparation and modification,(3) lipid improvement and regulation,and (4) lipid nutrition and health.The symposium was conducted by a combination of on-site and network meeting.More than 250 distinguished delegates from academia and industry participated in the on-site multidisciplinary meeting,and thousands of scholars attended the virtual event.This paper is as a record of the symposium proceedings and a brief summary of the advances and trends in 4 aspects of lipid science and health.
1 项目背景rn马医教育是兽医专业中至关重要和必不可少的一部分.我国的现代兽医教育普遍认为是从1904年北洋马医学堂成立开始,至今已有超过1 10年的历史.在此期间,我国的马医教育在大部分时间内,处于临床兽医学中的核心地位,为我国的国防和农业发展作出了突出贡献[1].随着我国军用役用马匹开始被机械化所逐渐取代,马属动物的畜牧兽医教学和研究也日渐衰微[2].近几十年来,我国与国际马医的交流几乎停滞,发展差距日渐加大[3].截止目前为止,马医教育教学在我国大部分兽医学院中往往处于被忽略的地位.据统计,我国目前
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为了给东北虎细小病毒感染病例的临床诊断和治疗提供借鉴,本试验通过临床诊断、血常规检查、病原PCR检测、影像学检查、组织器官剖检、病理组织切片观察等方法,分析1例东北虎细小病毒群发感染病例,并采用抗病毒、调节免疫、止血止吐对症治疗、控制继发感染、营养支持和调节电解质平衡等疗法对该东北虎及其他患病东北虎大群实施治疗.结果 表明,通过及时确诊、综合治疗、细心护理,能促进感染细小病毒的东北虎群尽早恢复正常,病情得到有效控制.
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High-oleic peanuts has been recognized by processing sectors,seed sellers and consumers for their longer shelf life,longer seed life and mutiple healthe benefits.High oleate is becoming a requisite for varietal releases in many peanut breeding programs at
皮肤无力(Cutaneous asthenia),同义词Ehlers-Danlos综合征,是一种罕见的因遗传性胶原蛋白生成障碍引起的结缔组织发育不全综合征.患病特点为幼年发病,皮肤过于脆弱和过度伸展,皮肤极易撕裂.由于患猫精神、体格、血常规和生化等均正常,表现出的症状以皮肤抓伤为主,容易被诊断为普通的皮肤病和外伤,延误治疗和松懈管理,导致频繁受伤.可通过病史、伤口特点、伤口愈合进程、皮肤延展性指数和组织病理学检查等作出诊断.暂无明确有效的治愈方法,良好的管理可以使患猫达到正常寿命,目前国内该病的病例报道罕