Review of zero-net-mass-flux jet and its application in separation flow control

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xingyunfei520
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Since the zero-net-mass-flux (ZNMF) jet was first used as a laboratory flow control method in 1990’s, it has attracted much attention. The ZNMF jet has unique features such as compact actuator, no requirement for external air supply, complex piping, etc., and becomes a hot topic research subject in fluid mechanics. This review introduces the state of the art in the development of ZNMF jet in the quiescent fluid, the interaction of the ZNMF jet with the cross flow and its application in the separation flow control. The evolution of the vortex ring/pair and the spacial flow structure of the ZNMF in quicent fluid or cross flow are presented, as well as the key parameter effects. At last, the applications of ZNMF jet in the wake control of the circular cylinder, the separation control on the airfoil and the aerodynamic force or moment control on MAV/UAV are presented. Since the zero-net-mass-flux (ZNMF) jet was first used as a laboratory flow control method in 1990’s, it has attracted features attention. The ZNMF jet has unique features such as compact actuator, no requirement for external air supply, complex piping, etc., and becomes a hot topic research subject in fluid mechanics. This review introduces the state of the art in the development of ZNMF jet in the quiescent fluid, the interaction of the ZNMF jet with the cross flow and its application in the separation flow control. The evolution of the vortex ring / pair and the spacial flow structure of the ZNMF in quicent fluid or cross flow are presented as well as the key parameter effects. At last, the applications of ZNMF jet in the wake control of the circular cylinder, the separation control on the airfoil and the aerodynamic force or moment control on MAV / UAV are presented.
一、《关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议》:首次提出允许个体经济存在和发展,作为多种经济形式的组成部分。 1981年十一届六中全会通过的这个决议提出:“社会主义生产关
绪 论 举世瞩目、中国为之耗尽十五年心血的加入WTO问题,现已一锤定音。一只脚已经跨入WTO门槛的中国,几乎各行各业都面临严峻挑战和应对策略,其中,作为国民经济支柱行业的