普及安全文化 研究救援医学

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在唐山地震20周年前夕,全国红十字会、中华医学会、武警总部卫生部和北京市减灾协会在京召开了纪念唐山抗震20周年救援医学报告会。会上,一位引人注目的中年女土,坐着轮椅来到会场——她就是唐山大地震中的—位幸存者,原某空军医院的护士张胜兰。 1976年7月28日凌晨,7.8级的大地震在十几秒钟之内,使—个拥有百万人口的唐山夷为平地,24万生灵命归黄泉,16万余人惨遭重伤,其中有3817名伤员因救护方法不当或抢救不及时,而导致高位截瘫,只得在轮椅上苦熬岁月。张胜兰就是其中的一个。 张胜兰说:我在医院作护士的时候,曾亲眼目睹过因抢救方法不当导致一位年轻战士终生瘫痪的惨剧:一个入伍不到一年的战士。在挖防空洞时不幸被上面的掉下的碎石砸伤了腰部,连长和指 On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the Tangshan earthquake, the National Red Cross, Chinese Medical Association, the Armed Police Headquarters Ministry of Health and Beijing Disaster Reduction Association held a report on the 20th anniversary of Tangshan Earthquake Rescue Medicine in Beijing. At the meeting, a striking middle-aged woman and a man arrived in a wheelchair - the survivor of the Tangshan earthquake and Zhang Shenglan, a former nurse in an air force hospital. In the early morning of July 28, 1976, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake shook down a mountainous area of ​​Tangshan with a population of one million within a few seconds, leaving 240,000 souls to run the Yellow Spring and injuring more than 160,000 people, including 3,817 injured due to improper rescue methods or rescue not timely, which led to paraplegia, had to suffer in a wheelchair years. Zhang Shenglan is one of them. Zhang Shenglan said: When I was a nurse at the hospital, I had witnessed the tragedy of a young soldier paralyzed for life due to improper rescue methods: a warrior who enlisted in less than a year. Unfortunate when digging a bomb shelter was crushed above the broken gravel waist, company commander and means
  目的:探讨蛇毒抗菌肽(Cathelicidin)和头孢哌酮舒巴坦对大肠杆菌的抗菌作用.方法:选用临床上感染最常见的两种致病菌普通大肠杆菌(E.coli ATCC 25922)和耐头孢菌素大肠杆菌
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分组话音通信技术是语音信箱系统的关键技术。本文主要介绍了分组话音通信的基本概念,系统基本构成,几个关键的技术问题,以及它的研究与发展概况和前景。 Packet voice communi