Hard Magnetic Properties of Sm-Fe-C Based Alloys Prepared by Mechanical Alloying

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:NoskyFox
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The structure and magnetic properties of S_m.Fe_l00-1.5_y C_0.5_y(y=8-20) alloys prepared by mechanical alloying (MA) from Sm, Fe and graphite have been investigated systematically. In order to improve hard magnetic properties of the alloys prepared by mechanical alloying, a new method consisting of re-milling and re-annealing was developed. After being re-milled and re-annealed, the Curie temperature T_C of the Sm-Fe-C alloys changes. The T_C of 2:17 phase increases, whereas the T_C of 2.14.1 phase decreases. After being re-annealed at low temperatures, the grain sizes of hard phases are smaller than those in the alloys annealed at high temperatures. The effects of Co or Ti substitution for Fe are studied. The structure and magnetic properties of S_m.Fe_l00-1.5_y C_0.5_y (y = 8-20) alloys prepared by alloying alloying (MA) from Sm, Fe and graphite have been investigated systematically. In order to improve hard magnetic properties of the After prepared re-milled and re-annealed, the Curie temperature T_C of the Sm-Fe-C alloys changes. The T_C of 2: 17 phase increases, whereas the T_C of 2.14.1 phase decreases. After effects re-annealed at low temperatures, the grain sizes of hard phases are smaller than those in the alloys annealed at high temperatures. are studied.
震惊!和善岳母感情上“开了小差”  那天下午,妻子阿畅下班回到家,面色凝重,做饭也心不在焉,不是放多了盐,就是忘了放酱油。我关心地问她:“老婆,怎么觉得你心事很重啊?”阿畅闷闷不乐地说:“唉,一会儿再说!”  吃过晚饭,哄孩子入睡后,阿畅长叹了口气,说:“咱家要出大事了!”看她不奔主题,我急了:“别总是卖关子,挑重点的说!”阿畅苦着脸说:“我发现咱妈这段时间不对劲儿,今天才知道,她在外面有‘情况’
目的:观察牛蒡子苷元对多种实验性胃溃疡的保护作用,并对其初步作用机制进行探讨。方法:连续皮下给予牛蒡子苷元(0.03 mg/kg、0.1 mg/kg、0.3 mg/kg)和灌胃给予西咪替丁(30 m
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