
来源 :科学技术哲学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoyanmeimei
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在当代认知科学领域内,延展心灵论题向在认知科学中占主导地位的认知计算主义提出了强烈挑战,同时也为意识的自然化进程打开了一条道路。但是延展心灵论题一经提出就遭到了来自认知科学领域内部的各种质疑,奇怪的是,很少有人从延展心灵论题的哲学根源即现象学的角度对这一哲学立场进行审视。通过阐述“心灵”、“身体”和“意识”这三个术语在延展心灵论题和现象学中的不同含义以及从胡塞尔现象学的立场出发对延展心灵论题的六个核心主张所做的解析,我们发现延展心灵论题可以利用现象学方法丰富自身的论点并完善自身对各种意识现象的描述,同时延展心灵论题也能够给胡塞尔现象学带来一些新的启示。 In the field of contemporary cognitive science, the extension of psychic topics poses a strong challenge to cognitive-computationalism, which dominates cognitive science, and opens the way for the naturalization of consciousness. However, once the teleological thesis has been extended, various questions have come from within the field of cognitive science. What is strange is that very few people examine this philosophical position from the philosophical point of view of extending the philosophical origin of psychic topics, that is, phenomenology. By elaborating the different meanings of the three terms “soul”, “body” and “consciousness” in extending the mind and phenomenology as well as Husserl’s phenomenology, In the analysis of the core ideas, we find that the extension of psychic topics can use phenomenological methods to enrich their own conceptions and improve their own description of various phenomena of consciousness, and at the same time extend the psychic topics to bring some new ideas to Husserl’s phenomenology Inspiration.
The Sphinx of Giza is a symbol that has represented the essence(精髓,精华) of Egypt for thousands of years. Even with all of the pictures that wesee of the Sphi
满世界炒得沸沸扬扬的投资人与经理人的“婚姻”博弈,更多地“秀”出了股权激励的种种问题和风险。 The “marriage” game of investors and managers who have been over-h
河水清了 鱼儿笑了 天空蓝了 鸟儿笑了 风儿暖了 花儿笑了 心儿乐了 人们笑了 和和美美 祖国笑了 小树 小树小树, 真是好样, 挺着腰杆(g6n) 向上, 雨雪, 风霜, 长(zh6ng)高
其实做到这些并非很难,只要能够虚怀若谷、有容乃大,也就足够了。 In fact, it is not difficult to do these things, as long as it can be open-minded and tolerant, it