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社会经济的发展变化及其结构和性质,同所处的社会形态是相一致的。很显然,中国近代和现代是两种完全不同的社会经济形态,只因复习的方便,才把它们归纳成为这个专题的。(一)列强对华的经济掠夺外国列强曾使用了军事的、政治的、经济的、宗教的、文化的方式和手段侵略中国,但最终还是为了经济掠夺,并造成了中国社会长期存在着半殖民地和殖民地经济。外国资本主义经济对中国的社会经济占有支配性地位。1 中国社会经济陷入资本主义世界市场鸦片战争后,一系列不平等条约强迫清朝开埠通商,中国的关税主权和贸易主权,开始遭到严重的破坏,西方国家开始疯狂地向中国商品输出和掠夺原料,逐渐把中国市场卷入世界资本主义市场了。《天津条约》和《北京条约》的签订,沿海沿江的通商口岸大增,英国人直接操纵中国海关的管理大权。从19世纪60年代到90年代,列强的经济侵略更深入更宽广,以商品输出和掠夺原料为主,使中国社会经济进一步陷入 The development and changes of the social economy and its structure and nature are consistent with the social forms in which it is located. Obviously, China’s modern and modern times are two completely different social and economic forms. It is only due to the ease of review that they are summed up into this topic. (1) The economic plunder of the powers of the great powers against China The foreign powers used military, political, economic, religious, and cultural methods and means to invade China. However, they eventually plundered the economy and caused long-term existence of half of the Chinese society. Colonial and colonial economy. The foreign capitalist economy occupies a dominant position in China’s social economy. 1 After China’s social economy fell into the capitalist world market after the Opium War, a series of unequal treaties forced the Qing government to open up trade, and China’s tariff sovereignty and trade sovereignty began to be severely damaged. Western countries began to frantically export and plunder Chinese goods. Raw materials gradually brought the Chinese market into the world capitalist market. With the signing of the “Treaty of Tianjin” and the “Beijing Treaty,” the number of trading ports along the coast along the river has greatly increased, and the British directly manipulate the administrative power of the Chinese customs. From the 1960s to the 1990s, the economic aggression of the powers of the great powers was deeper and broader, and the export of commodities and the plundering of raw materials were the main factors, further implicating China’s social economy.