下磨牙后三角区麻醉法是根据下颌骨的解剖特点及下牙槽,颊,舌神经在下颌支内侧面行走的情况,结合口内的表面解剖标志为基础的一种下颌神经阻滞麻醉法。此法自一九八四年我科试用于临床,并详细记载分析100例,效果良好,特提出磨牙后三角区新的阻滞麻醉法,以供参考: 一、一般资料临床试用此法的男性患者60例,女性患者40例,总计100例。在100例临床病例中,施行拔牙手术59例(包括复杂阻生牙及断根拔除11例),共78颗。因急、慢性牙髓炎和急性根尖周炎施行牙髓摘除术41例。
Triangulation anesthesia of the lower molars is a kind of mandibular nerve block anesthesia based on the anatomical features of the mandible and the conditions of the lower alveolar, buccal and lingual nerve walking on the medial side of the mandibular branch. This method since 1984, our department for clinical trials, and a detailed record of analysis of 100 cases, the effect is good, special proposed post-molar triangular block anesthesia for reference: First, the general information of clinical trial of this method 60 male patients, 40 female patients, a total of 100 cases. In 100 clinical cases, the implementation of extraction surgery in 59 cases (including complex impacted teeth and root extraction in 11 cases), a total of 78. 41 cases of dental pulp removal due to acute and chronic pulpitis and acute apical periodontitis.