
来源 :英语沙龙(实战版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoupeng4348
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我们在上一期介绍了可以使作文变化多样的遣词用字窍门,本期来探讨如何从句子的角度变化多样。句子是由词或短语按语法规则组成、表达一个完整意思的语言单位。好的英语句子应该是结构意思正确完整,连贯流畅,言简意骇。但是,如果一篇文章中所有的句子都是结构单一(以主语开头,采用“主-谓-宾”或“主-谓-表”的结构)、长短均等的话,句子写得再好,文章也是呆板单调,缺乏生气。所以写作时必须要注重句子的变化,变化句式,主、被动态搭配,长、短句搭配,还要适当运用修辞方法。下面我们就为如何写出变化多样的句子支招。 In the last issue, we introduced the use of words that can make a variety of compositions. In this issue, we discuss how to change from the perspective of sentences. Sentences are linguistic units that consist of words or phrases that express grammatical rules and express a complete meaning. A good English sentence should be structurally correct, complete, coherent, and concise. However, if all the sentences in an article are of a single structure (starting with the subject, adopting the structure of “main-predicate-object” or “main-predicate-table”), equal length, the sentence is well written. It is also dull, lack of life. Therefore, when writing, we must pay attention to the changes of the sentences, changing the sentence patterns, the main and the dynamic collocation, the collocation of the long and short sentences, and the rhetorical methods should be used properly. Here’s how we write sentences for how to write a variety of sentences.
清晨天好,喜欢去公园里遛两圈。总会碰到一个很特别的女孩,绿色嵌白边的运动裤,白衬衫,微微卷的长发。她容貌不漂亮,皮肤黝黑。可是,这个女孩却拥有很多人所拥有却不去表达的东西,那是上天赐给每个人的最美好的礼物———微笑。  幽静的公园中草木青碧葱茏,花朵清新芬芳,红砖的小路上,不多远就可以遇上一个晨跑或遛弯的人,多数都戴着耳机,沉浸在自己的世界里,眼神、表情都漠然,只有那个女孩是异数。她不戴耳机,黝黑
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