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河北泥质海岸由于土壤盐碱较重,淡水资源缺乏,重盐度潜水位高,土壤黏重,养分缺乏,具有立地条件差、林木种类稀少、造林不易成活的特点,是沿海防护林营造中最困难的地段。该文在深入分析泥质海岸生态防护林建设中存在主要问题的基础上,明确了生态防护林建设的指导思想和主要思路,即以基干林带的改造、完善、提高为重点,着力推进宜林荒地造林、高标准农田林网、城乡绿化美化、绿色通道、森林公园和湿地公园建设,构筑“网、带、片、点”相衔接,城乡绿化美化相协调,乔灌花草相搭配,功能齐全,布局合理的沿海防护林体系。提出了生态防护林建设的对策建议,即转变观念,明确目标,切实加强组织领导;因地制宜,合理配置,实施分类施策;依靠科技,突出示范,提高防护林建设的质量和效益;提高标准,活化机制,加大建设投资力度;依法治林,加强管理,巩固生态建设成果。 Due to the heavy soil salinity, lack of freshwater resources, high salinity diving level, soil heavy weight and lack of nutrients, the muddy coasts in Hebei Province are characterized by poor site conditions, scarce tree species and poor afforestation. Difficult lots. Based on the deep analysis of the main problems in the construction of the arboreal coastal shelterbelts, this paper clarifies the guiding ideology and main ideas of the construction of the ecological shelterbelt, focusing on the transformation, improvement and improvement of the trunk belt, , A high standard of farmland forest network, urban and rural landscaping, green channel, forest park and wetland park construction, build “network, belt, film, point ” phase, urban and rural greening and coordination, , A rational layout of the coastal shelter forest system. Put forward the countermeasures and proposals for the construction of ecological shelterbelt, that is, change the concept, clear objectives, effectively strengthen the organization and leadership; according to local conditions, the rational allocation of implementation of the classification and policy; rely on science and technology, highlighting the model to improve the quality and effectiveness of the construction of shelterbelt; Increase investment in construction; rule by law, strengthen management, and consolidate the achievements of ecological construction.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。2003年全国农业科技年活动全面展开 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile
目的通过研究钙对染铅大鼠海马NMDAR和m Glu R5受体介导相关基因mRNA及CaMKII蛋白表达的影响,为进一步以补钙预防铅的危害提供理论依据。方法选择体质量(50±2)g的清洁级雄性
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