
来源 :山西林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyh111111
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林业生产周期长,森林具有多种效益等特点,决定了林业生产必须要实现永续利用。山西是一个少林省份,森林覆盖率低,有林地面积99.1万公顷,仅占全省总面积的6.33%。在山西现有森林资源中,天然林比重很大,其蓄积量占全省森林总蓄积的92.7%;而天然林中,中龄林和幼龄林又占绝对优势,其面积比例为:幼龄林占36%,中龄林占55%,成熟林不足9%,要尽早实现森林永续利用,一是要加快绿化步伐,迅速提高森林覆盖率;二是要经营好现有森林,缩短生产周印,调整龄级结构。在山西的天然林中,华北落叶松是北、中部林区的一个重要成材树种。其材质好、生长快、抗性强。它既是乡土树种,也是培 Long forestry production cycle, the forest has a variety of benefits and other characteristics, determines the forestry production must achieve sustainable use. Shanxi is a Shaolin province, with low forest coverage and a forest area of ​​991,000 hectares, accounting for only 6.33% of the total area of ​​the province. Among the existing forest resources in Shanxi, the proportion of natural forests is very large, accounting for 92.7% of the total forest reserves in the province. Among the natural forests, the middle-aged and young forests have an absolute advantage, with the area ratio being as follows: 36% of the aged forest, 55% of the middle-aged forest, less than 9% of the mature forest, as soon as possible to achieve sustainable use of forests, one is to accelerate the pace of greening and rapidly increase the forest coverage; the second is to manage the existing forest and shorten Production and printing, adjust age structure. In the natural forests of Shanxi, Larix principis-rupprechtii is an important tree species in the northern and central forests. Its good material, fast growth, strong resistance. It is both native tree species, but also training
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