适应时代要求 努力推进职工队伍知识化进程——各地工会组织实施“职工素质工程”纪实

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近年来,随着我国改革开放和现代化建设进入新的发展阶段,一项旨在全面提高职工队伍素质,更好地适应形势任务要求的工会传统工作,被赋予了新的内容,提到了更加突出的位置上,这就是目前在全国各地蓬勃发展的“职工素质工程”。 适应形势要求的重要举措 开展职工教育和培训工作,提高职工群众的思想道德水平和科学文化素质,建设“四有”职工队伍,是工会的一项传统工作。在新的形势下,这项工作被提升到“工程”的高度,有着深刻的社会背景,是工会工作与时俱进的新举措。 ——适应知识经济和经济全球化挑战的要求。当今世界已经进入了知识化、信息化、全球化的时代。一方面,随着高新科技迅猛发展,新的产业革命的来临,科学技术和知识信息对经济社会发展的决定作用越来越明显;另一方面,经济全球化的发展趋势加快,各国间以科技和经济实力为核心的综合国力竞争日趋激烈。科技革命还预示着人类社会即将 In recent years, as China’s reform and opening up and modernization have entered a new stage of development, a traditional trade union work aimed at improving the overall quality of the workforce and better adapting itself to the requirements of the situation and tasks has been given new contents and more prominent This is the “Quality Project for Staff and Workers” that is currently booming throughout the country. Important Measures to Meet the Requirements of the Situation It is a traditional work of the trade unions to carry out education and training of workers and staff, raise the ideological and ethical standards and scientific and cultural qualities of the workers and the masses and build a contingent of workers and staff members who have “four in mind.” Under the new situation, this work has been promoted to the height of “engineering” and has a profound social background. It is a new measure for the work of the trade unions to keep pace with the times. Adapt to the Challenges of Knowledge Economy and Economic Globalization. Today’s world has entered an era of knowledge-based information and globalization. On the one hand, with the rapid development of new and high technologies and the advent of a new industrial revolution, the determinants of science and technology and knowledge and information on economic and social development have become increasingly clear. On the other hand, the trend of economic globalization has accelerated. The competition for comprehensive national strength with economic strength as the core has become increasingly fierce. The revolution in science and technology also foreshadows the imminent human society
今年以来,襄樊市通过建立和推行农村“说事”制度,化解群众怨气,减少矛盾纠纷,密切了党群干群关系,受到了社会各界的广泛好评。 “说事”制度源于襄樊市南漳县武安镇界碑头
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