Study on methanol synthesis from coal-based syngas

来源 :Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qyc88107
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The intrinsic kinetic models of the Langmuir-Hinshelwood type were investigated in terms of the reaction rates of CO hydrogenation and CO_2 hydrogenation in theform of reactant fugacity. The parameters were estimated by the Universal Global Optimization using the Marquardt method. Residual error distribution and statistic tests show thatthe intrinsic kinetic models are reliable and acceptable. The mathematic model of a combined converter formed by gas-cooled and water-cooled reactor was developed and thegas-cooled reactor and the water-cooled reactor were characterized with one-dimensionalmathematic model. The distributions of temperature and concentration in the catalytic bedof the gas-cooled reactor and the water-cooled reactor in a combined converter with ayield of 1.2 Mt/a were simulated. The parallel cross linking pore model was used to describe the transfer process of multi-component diffusion system in the catalyst. The calculated value computed by the internal diffusion efficiency factor calculation model established for methanol synthesis catalyst fit the experimental value very well. The intrinsic kinetic models of the Langmuir-Hinshelwood type were investigated in terms of the reaction rates of CO hydrogenation and CO_2 hydrogenation in theform of reactant fugacity. The parameters were estimated by the Universal Global Optimization using the Marquardt method. Residual error distribution and statistic tests show that the intrinsic kinetic models are reliable and acceptable. The mathematic model of a combined converter formed by gas-cooled and water-cooled reactor was developed and the gas-cooled reactor and the water-cooled reactor were characterized with one-dimensionalmathematic model. The distributions of temperature and concentration in the catalytic bed of the gas-cooled reactor and the water-cooled reactor in a combined converter with a field of 1.2 Mt / a were simulated. The parallel cross linking pore model was used to describe the transfer process of multi-component diffusion system in the catalyst. The calculated value computed by the internal diffusion efficie ncy factor calculation model established for methanol synthesis catalyst fit the experimental value very well.
栗马绒金龟(Maladera castanea(Arrow,1913))原产于中国和日本。1921年左右在新泽西州建立种群,缓慢扩散至美国东北部大部分地区,西至堪萨斯州和密苏里州。但在佛罗里达州一
2002年,石油天然气及化工行业的各项经济指标仍雄居全国工业的首位 2002年,中国原油产量近1.7亿吨,比2001年增长2.5%:天然气产量326.3亿立方米,比2001年增长了7.8%。石油天然
Goldenhar 综合征又称眼—耳—脊椎发育不良综合征。此种异常较为罕见,现报告1例如下。女婴出生12小时住院号57762 出生后,发现双上眼睑中央部分缺损,耳前有赘生物。患儿系