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Since the late fifties,under the guldance of prof·C·K·Tseng,we .have suceeede‘rrrrrrrrrrnin devising a method of summering young sPorelingS at low temPerature by collectingrrrrrrrrrrnthe sPores In early summer instead of middle or late autumn.The sPores andsubsequ·rrrrrrrrrrnently the garaetophytes and the voung sDoroDhvteg are eultivated in sporeling culturerrrrrrrrrrnstations,somewhat like a greenhouse,in a temPerature of abouts 8一10“C.By means ofrrrrrrrrrrnehanging the time of spore eolleetion,the sporophytes,when taken ont from the oultiva-rrrrrrrrrrntion system and cultivated inthe oPen sea in middle or late autumn,are already 1一2rrrrrrrrrrncentimeters in oize and are able to grow faoter,resultlng in a longerfrond and a higherrrrrrrrrrrn.Produetion.Unfortunately,it haPPened that sometlmes the sPorelings died due toarrrrrrrrrrndestructive disease of unknown nature.In serious oases,all the sPorelings died due thinrrrrrrrrrrna few days.In South China,for example,in Fujian province,the surfaee sea waterrrrrrrrrrrntemPerature in summer 15 too high forthe fronds to deve Since the late fifties, under the guldance of prof · C · K · Tseng, we .have suceeede ’ r r r r r r r r r nin devising a method of summering young sPorelingS at low temPerature by collecting r r r r r r r r r r r r r nthe sPores In early summer instead of middle or late autumn. sPores and subsequ r r r r r r r r r r nently the garaetophytes and the voung sDoroDhvteg are eultivated in sporeling culture r r r r r r r r r nstations, somewhat like a greenhouse, in a temPerature of abouts 8-10 "C.By means of r r r r r r r r nehanging the time of spore eolleetion, the sporophytes, when taken ont from the oultiva- r r r r r r r r r ntion system and cultivated inthe oPen sea in middle or late autumn, are already 1 a 2 r r r r r r r r r r ncentimeters in oize and are able to grow faoter, resultlng in a longerfrond and a higher r r r r r r r r r n.Prodution.Unfortunately, it haPPened that sometlmes the sPorelings died due toa r r r r r r r r r r ndestructive disease of unkno wn nature.In serious oases, all the sPorelings died due thin r r r r r r r r r na few days. In South China, for example, in Fujian province, the surfaee sea water r r r r r r r r r n nPetemPerature in summer 15 too high forthe fronds to deve
也许是命运的安排它随风飘到了这儿——山崖下泥泞的沼泽地没有伙伴与它低语没有小鸟为它歌唱它单薄的躯干被风吹弯 Maybe it’s a destiny. It’s drifting in the wind.
恒大跨界快消,本身没有错,错的只是跨界过程中的策略和操作。  说恒大跨界错了的,基本都是扯淡!  很多文章一上去就判定恒大跨界错了,不该从地产去搞快消,这种观点,基本上都是扯淡的!  跨界本没有对错,它本就是企业商业扩张的方式之一。不过,成功的关键在于能力是否具备!  人们习惯性地以结果来判定初衷是否正确,一旦操作成功了,人们会说,哇!好厉害啊,它居然这个也做成了,牛啊;如果,没做成,就说战略错了