市中心区块:供地数量不断减少 楼面地价屡创新高

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新春过后头一场土地拍卖的火爆收场,挑起了人们对今年杭州市土地市场的种种期待和想像。土地市场的兴旺,说明投资者对杭州楼市的预期看好。同时,人们也不免担心,地价的持续上扬,是否又预示着房价的新一轮攀升。土地是房地产开发的源头,某种意义上说,什么样的土地就决定了什么样的房子。作为一种商品,土地的价值受控于供求关系的影响。作为极其稀缺的生产资料,土地本身的价值理应得到最充分的体现。在土地身上,我们多少看到了这样一些矛盾。且不说杭州房地产市场究竟有没有泡沫,在这里我们只想从数据层面上分析一下市场的供应状况。从市场的角度来看,有多少土地出让也就意味着有多少房子供应,有什么样的地价就会有什么样的房价。我们希望通过对土地市场的剖析能给为了“要不要下单”而烦恼的购房者们提供一方面的佐证。这也是我们此次探究土地市场发展规律的动因。 After the Spring Festival the first land auction hot end, provoked people on the land market in Hangzhou this year, all kinds of expectations and imagination. The prosperity of the land market shows that investors are optimistic about the expected property market in Hangzhou. At the same time, people can not help but worry that the continued rise in land prices, whether it indicates a new round of housing prices. Land is the source of real estate development, in a sense, what kind of land determines what kind of house. As a commodity, the value of land is controlled by the relationship between supply and demand. As an extremely scarce means of production, the value of land itself deserves the fullest expression. In the land, we see how many such contradictions. Not to mention the real estate market in Hangzhou, there is no bubble, where we only want to analyze the data from the market supply situation. From the perspective of the market, how much land is sold means how many houses are supplied and what kind of land prices will be given. We hope that through the analysis of the land market can be for the “do not order a single” and worry about the purchasers who provide evidence on the one hand. This is also our motivation for exploring the law of the development of the land market.
1999年 6月 2日 ,国务院第 2 6 7号发布了《期货交易管理暂行条例》 (以下简称《条例》) ,并于 1999年 9月 1日起施行。与其相配套的 4个管理办法《期货交易所管理办法》、《