
来源 :城乡社会观察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maomao68
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城中村改造在全国范围正在如火如荼地开展,主要由地方政府主导和推动。虽然城中村改造是必然趋势,但不可忽视城中村作为一种历史和社会存在而具备的社会功能及其功能替代。城中村的社会功能有正负之分,正功能主要有:城中村为本市及外来低收入人群提供廉价住房和生存空间;对村民而言具有无可替代的组织功能;城中村成为广大农民从乡村到城市的缓冲地带。负功能主要有:城中村成为城市治安或犯罪的高发地带;影响社会稳定以及市容市貌。城中村改造要考虑相应社会正功能的替代。 The renovation of the villages in the villages is being carried out in full swing throughout the country, dominated by local governments and promoted. Although the reconstruction of villages in cities is an inevitable trend, we can not ignore the social functions and functional substitutions that urban villages have as a historical and social existence. There are positive and negative points in the social functions of the village in the city. The main functions of the village are: the village in the city provides low-cost housing and living space for the city and low-income people from outside the city; it has an irreplaceable organizational function for the villagers; the village in the city becomes the majority of peasants From the village to the city’s buffer zone. Negative functions are mainly: the village in the city became a high incidence of public security or crime in the city; affecting social stability and appearance of the city. The reconstruction of the village in the city should consider the substitution of the positive function of the corresponding society.
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